PhixFlow Help

Creating linked views

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  • Create linked views on a dashboard

Create a linked view

Views on dashboards can be "linked" so that the results shown in one view can be filtered based on the rows selected in a "driver" view. If you did the User Course you will have used a linked view.

  • Create a new dashboard Debt Analysis

You will drag some of the views you have created onto this dashboard, but also a view from a different Stream. First, find this view so that you know what data to expect in your dashboard:

  • Open the model Dashboards and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and dashboards
  • Hover over the Stream Overall payment levels
  • Open the view Overall payment levels

The view shows the total amounts paid on each day by each payment method.

  • Now return to your new dashboard, Debt Analysis
  • Drag the following views onto the dashboard:
    • Debt totals by payment means from stream Overall Debt Levels
    • To the right of this, Overall Debt Levels from stream Overall Debt Levels
    • Underneath Debt totals by payment means, Overall payment levels from stream Overall payment levels

Now you will make Debt totals by payment means a driving view and link the other two views to it:

  • In the banner of the view Debt totals by payment means on the dashboard press 
  • Press  - Show chart details
    • In the form that pops up, update Element Name to DebtTotals
    • Press  - Apply
    • Press  - Close
  • To link Overall Debt Levels you must add a filter:
    • Name: by Payment Means
    • Conditions
      • Where ALL the following are true
      • PaymentMeans equals DebtTotals.PaymentMeans
        • (The expression DebtTotals.PaymentMeans gets the value of PaymentMeans from the selected record in the driving view)
      • Press the ABC button - this will now say fx
      • When you have completed all these details press 
      • Set this filter to be applied on the view in the dashboard:
        • In the banner press 
        • Press - Show chart details
        • In the chart parameters configuration form:
          • Tick the flag Use Custom Default Filter
          • Select the filter by Payment Means
          • Press  - Apply
          • Press  - Close
  • Now add a filter to Overall payment levels:
    • Name: by Payment Means
    • Conditions
      • Where ALL the following are true
      • PAYMENT_MEANS equals DebtTotals.PaymentMeans
      • Press the ABC button - this will now say fx
    • When you have completed all these details press 
    • Set this filter to be applied on the view in the dashboard:
      • In the banner press
      • Press  - Show chart details
      • In the chart parameters configuration form:
        • Tick the flag Use Custom Default Filter
        • Select the filter by Payment Means
        • Press  - Apply
        • Press  - Close
  • Click on a row in the driving view (Debt totals by payment means)
  • Then press - Update the dashboard using the selected rows
  • You will see the other two views update to show only the rows for the payment means selected in the driving view

Make update of driven views automatic

You can make the update of driven views automatic – that is, every time a record in the driving view is selected, the records in the driven views will be updated straight away. This is not always desirable – for example, where users will commonly wish to select several records in the driving view before updating the driven views, or where large amounts of data are involved and the refresh takes some time.
You will make the driving view you created in the previous exercise update the driven views automatically:

  • In the banner of the view Debt totals by payment means (the driving view) on the dashboard press 
  • Press  - Show chart details
    • In the form that pops up, update the radio button Apply Selections to Auto
    • Press  - Apply
    • Press  - Close
  • Click in several rows in Debt totals by payment means – you will see the records in the driven views updating straight away

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