PhixFlow Help

Reading all data from a input stream

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Read all data from an input stream

In this exercise you will create a report of all customer sign ups so far, using a pipe to supply all data (rather than latest):

  • Open the model Process Daily Signup Files – you created this in the previous exercise
  • Hover over Customer SignUps Seq and press
  • Call this stream Customer SignUp Totals
  • Open the configuration form for the pipe
    • On the Details tab set Data to Read to All
    • Add a sort/group attribute: REGION
    • Add an aggregate attribute:
      • Aggregate Function: Sum
      • Attribute: CustomerSignUps
      • New Attribute Name: TotalCustomerSignUps
  • Drag attributes Region and TotalCustomerSignUps from the pipe onto Customer SignUp Totals
  • Save your changes

Because this new stream consider all runs so far, you will need to clear out the data in the input stream - ReadCustSignUpFilesSeq. To do this, you will do a rollback:

  • Right-click on the stream ReadCustSignUpFilesSeq
  • Select Rollback Stream
  • In the rollback form:
    • Select Rollback all data
    • Untick the box Keep Old Stream Sets
    • Press OK

The Console will pop up, and you will see a log file telling you how many data records were cleared out of the Stream.
You also need to refresh your sequence number:

  • Find SignUpSeq in the list of sequences
  • Delete it
  • Re-create it as above

Run your new stream:

  • Run Analysis on Customer SignUp Totals three times
  • Review the data – the totals in Customer SignUp Totals for each region accumulate with each run; this is because the input pipe has Data to Read set to All

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