Collecting data from a database using a supplied query
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Collecting data from a database using a supplied query
By the end of this chapter you will be able to:
- Create a Database Collector directly in a model
- Collect data from a database using a supplied query
Collect data from a database using a supplied query
You will add a Database Collector to use a query that has been supplied to you, which will retrieve the last bill for each customer:
- Drag - Add a new Database Collector onto the modelling pane
- In the new Database Collector form that pops up, enter the Name: Last bill amount
- Press OK
Double-click on the Database Collector to open the details form and complete the configuration:
- In the tab Query String enter:
select CustomerRef, BillAmount from SOURCE_CUST_BILLS SCB1 where BillDate = (select max(BillDate) from SOURCE_CUST_BILLS SCB2 where SCB2.CustomerRef = SCB1.CustomerRef)
- Go to the Details tab
- Select the Datasource CRM
- Tick the flag Enabled
- Tick the flag Allow Non-Scheduled Collection
- Press Apply
- Return to the Query String tab, and press - Run query and see result
- In a window that pops up you can see the data that will be returned by the query; this feature is a useful way to check that your query works
- Close the data window
- Press the button - Create a new Stream using the attributes returned from the query
A new Stream will appear on your model to store the results of the query.
- Run Analysis on the new Stream and check that the data has been loaded from the database
Enrich customer data with last billed amount
You will now add a Lookup Pipe from the Stream LastBillAmount into Customer Details with Region, linking the data across the 2 Streams using the Attribute CustomerRef:
- Hover over LastBillAmount and press - Add a new Connector
- Move the pointer over the top of Customer Details with Region and select – this will attach the end of the pipe to the selected Stream
- In the Pipe Setup form that pops up:
- Enter the Name: lba
- Type: Look-up
- Data To Read: leave as the default – Latest
- Press
- In the matching attributes form that pops up create a match:
- Drag the attribute CUSTOMERREF from the left hand box into the list of matching attributes
- Drag the attribute CustomerRef from the right hand box into the list of matching attributes – on top of the entry for CustomerRef you created above
- This means that the lookup will match records in the reference data (LastBillAmount) where CUSTOMERREF = CustomerRef in the output data (Customer Details with Region)
- Press on the pipe configuration form
- A lookup pipe will appear linking LastBillAmount to Customer Details with Region
- Drag the Attribute BILLAMOUNT from the Stream LastBillAmount onto Customer Details with Region
- Run Analysis on Customer Details with Region
- Check in the data in Customer Details with Region that the last billed amount has been retrieved for all records
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