PhixFlow Help

1 Creating new models

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Create new Models
  • Add modelling components to your model
  • Save changes to your model

Create a new model

  • Expand  Analysis Models in the Full Repository repository browser, by either double-clicking it or pressing the triangle
  • To create a new model right-click on Analysis Models and select Add Analysis Model
  • In the new model form that appears, enter the Name for the new model: Introduction to Modelling
  • Press OK –

A modelling pane will appear.

Adding modelling components to your model

You can add modelling components to your model by dragging objects from the menu bar of the modelling pane.

  • Press your left mouse button on  - Add New Stream (Calculate), drag this onto the modelling pane, then release the left mouse button
  • A new stream form will appear on the right-hand side
  • Enter the Name: Practice Stream
  • Press OK

A new stream will appear on your model view, called Practice Stream.

Moving modelling components on the pane

To move the stream in the modelling pane:

  • Press the left mouse button on the icon and drag it, releasing the button where you want to leave the stream

Any modelling components can be moved in this way.

Saving changes to your model

  • Press  - Save the model layout in the modelling pane menu to save the model layout
  • Move the stream you added to a new location
  • Without saving, press the  - Refresh button
  • You will see the component return to the position it was in when you saved the model

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