PhixFlow Training - Modelling Concepts Course
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PhixFlow Training - Modelling Concepts Course
The modelling concepts course introduces the fundamentals of modelling concepts in PhixFlow, describes some of the internal workings of PhixFlow to give you a butter understanding of how to create well designed models, and covers techniques that will allow you to create all but the most advanced models.
Follow the course: PhixFlow Training - Modelling Concepts slides.pptx
This course contains the following exercises:
- 1 Populate concepts models with data
- 2 Excel templates
- 3 Combining Data Sets
- 4 Picking latest sales update for each customer
- 5 Breaking out a record into multiple output records
- 6 Reading additional tabs from Excel spreadsheets
- 7 Enriching data directly from database tables
- 8 Merging data sets directly from database tables
- 9 Filtering Stream Output
- 10 Merging data sets with enrichment
- 11 Static Streams and static pipes
- 12 Show All Successors, Show All Predecessors, Show Models
- 13 Rolling back Streams
- 14 Attribute scripting
- 15 Creating and using macros
, multiple selections available,
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