Roles and Privileges

PhixFlow Help

Roles and Privileges

In PhixFlow, privileges control access to certain functions. These are grouped together into roles - these roles are then applied to user groups, which give users access to the features they need.


Privileges are used to define what actions can be performed in PhixFlow.

An overview of user administration is given in PhixFlow User Administration, one of the System Administration.

Form: Privilege Details


The name of the privilege.

View privileges allow you to see that object throughout PhixFlow. E.g. 'View Streams' will allow you to view streams throughout PhixFlow.

List privileges, e.g. 'List Streams', show the object on the left hand tool bar. If you have a list privilege, it is essential to also have the equivalent view privilege. E.g. If you have the 'List Streams' privilege, then you also need the 'View Streams' privilege.

ObjectThe object that this privilege applies to, e.g. Menu
ActionThe type of privilege, e.g. List, Modify
RolesLists the roles that the privilege is assigned to.

Switch Audit On/Off

In the repository browser, if you right click on a privilege you can switch audit on or off.

A red privilege icons denotes this is configurable, a yellow icon that it is not.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons as well as the following:

Bring up the list of roles.

Forms: Role

Roles represent the type of access required to do specific tasks (e.g. Designer, Operator etc.)

Roles are assigned to User Groups (or vice versa)

An overview of user administration is given in PhixFlow User Administration, one of the System Administration.

Form: Role Details

NameThe name of the role.
PrivilegesA list of privileges associated with the role.
User GroupsA list of user groups associated with the role.
DescriptionDescription of the role.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons as well as the following:

Bring up the list of privileges.

Adds a User Group to the User Group list. See the Role Details form.

See Also

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