PhixFlow Help

Task Plan Rule

When working with data, applications and IT systems, there are routine processes that you need to run. PhixFlow makes it easy for you to set up and manage these processes using task plans, to which you add tasks. For details of  tasks and task plans, see:

You can also use the Action property → Run Task Plan section to configure an application action to run a task plan. Use the task plan rule properties tab to define a rule (expression) that determines the conditions under which the action runs the task plan. 

This properties tab is not available from the repository. It opens from the Action →Run Task Plan section → Task Plan Rules table. 

Task PlanPhixFlow displays the name of the selected task plan. You can select a different task plan from the drop-down list.

Enter a PhixFlow expression that evaluates to:

  • either 1 which means true. PhixFlow runs the first task plan that evaluates to true, and ignores subsequent task plan rules.
  • or 0 which means false. PhixFlow does not run the task plan.
OrderIf there are multiple Task Plan Rules in the action, specify the order in which PhixFlow evaluates their expression. The order is important, as PhixFlow only runs the first task plan whose expression evaluates to true. 

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