PhixFlow Help

13 Using the Windows Bar

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Use the windows bar

When you have several models or dashboards open in PhixFlow, you may want to switch between them.

  1. Open several models (if you don't already have some open).
    1. In the repository, double-click on an model to open its properties. 
    2. In the properties toolbar, click  Display. PhixFlow displays the model window in the workspace.
    3. Repeat for several models.
  2. Notice that:
    1. Each time you open the properties tab for a model, PhixFlow closes the previous properties tab, unless:
      • the properties tab has unsaved changes
      • you have clicked  Pin.
    2. In the workspace, PhixFlow opens the model window, but the other model windows also remain open.
  3. Look at the task bar at the bottom of the PhixFlow window. On the left, PhixFlow lists how many windows are open in the workspace.
  4. Click the  Show/Hide Windows Bar icon.
  5. PhixFlow displays icons for all open windows. In this example all the windows are models. You can:
    • click an icon to display its window. This brings the selected window to the front.
    •  right-click an icon and select Close to close its window.
  6. If you also want to show the properties tab for the model, in the toolbar clickShow model details.

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