Release Notes

Release Notes

PhixFlow new features and fixes are described in the release notes. Each release has a version number with the format X.Y.Z, for example 7.9.3. Numbers ending in zero, for example, 7.9.0, indicate a major release with significant changes. If Z is 1 or more, it indicates a minor release that contains security updates and bug fixes.

This page includes the release notes for:

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Release 9.0.15


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.15. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.15.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.14 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.14. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

Special Upgrade Instructions

No new special upgrade instructions. Please review the instructions for previous versions.

Schema Changes

A schema change is required for this PhixFlow release. Please follow the upgrade instructions to install the schema files.

Bug Fixes

DEV-16674 - Resolved blank screen sometimes occurring when opening system console.

DEV-16949 - Fixed regression with displaying legacy Form Views.

DEV-16966 - When a view has been configured to only allow CSV files to be exported it now correctly exports as CSV format.

Release 9.0.14


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.14. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.14.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.14 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.14. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

Special Upgrade Instructions

In version 8 grid rows were alternating by default (white/grey). This is no longer the default since version 9. To enable alternating colours the 'Grid Row Style' and 'Grid Alternate Row Style' can be configured at the system level.

In version 8 grid cells had borders by default. This is no longer the default since version 9. Cell borders can be created by setting the top border on row styles and a right border on column styles

In version 8 grid rows were highlighted in green when the mouse hovered over them. This is no longer the default since version 9. can be created by setting the top border on row styles and a right border on column styles

In order to preserve the 8.3 Grid styling the User needs to set the following Styles:

Grid Row Style:

        height: 18px

borderRight: 1px solid #d3d3d3

Grid Alternate Row Style:

        Background Colour: #e6e6e6

Row Selection Style:

        Background Colour: #07e51c

Grid Row Hover Style:

        Background Colour: #22FF37

Schema Changes

A schema change is required for this PhixFlow release. Please follow the upgrade instructions to install the schema files.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-16390 - Add ability to define a 'Grid Alternate Row Style' to apply to 'even' rows in grids. This can be set at the system, application or individual grid level.

DEV-16386 - Add ability to define a 'Grid Row Hover Style' to apply when the mouse is over a row in a grid. This can be set at the system, application or individual grid level.

Bug Fixes

DEV-16387 - Fixed problem with an error being displayed while editing a Screen containing Views with Table Action Menu Items

DEV-16391 - Minimize button now appears on screen windows by default.

Release 9.0.13


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.13. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.13.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.13 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.13. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is not required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-14575- The PhixScript hash function will now handle secret values. A new expandSecrets(value) function has been added, this takes a single string parameter and will expand any secret tokens into their values.

Bug Fixes

  • DEV-15917 - Fixed issue where a lookup pipe in a Table Record Action returned the same results for all records updated; now the pipe filter conditions are correctly re-evaluated for each record updated. Note that the problem did not happen when an explicit lookup() function was used.
  • DEV-16004 - Table actions now respond to cancellation by the user; new record sets are marked as incomplete.
  • DEV-16007 - Fixed rollback not working when “Only allow restricted task plan run permission users” is ticked

Release 9.0.12


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.12. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.12.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.12 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.12. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is not required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-15891 - Context Variables can now be used in exporter Input Multiplier expressions.

DEV-15893 - Quick Filters on grids in property editors are now case independent by default.

Bug Fixes

DEV-14515 - The Record ID and Log File ID columns have been removed from log message exports to MS Excel.

DEV-15806 - Fixed the problem with copying data from grids including hidden columns.

Release 9.0.11


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.11. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.11.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.11 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.11. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-14482 - There is a new 'Copy selected records to the clipboard' right-click option for grids which allows users to copy data and paste it into MS Excel.

DEV-14565 - The Cancel Task privilege is now included in the Administrator role on system installation

DEV-15341 - When you push data to a database exporter it will now not only export data from the push pipe but will also export data from any pull pipe connected to that exporter.

DEV-15687 - Upgraded jQuery library to 3.7.0.

Bug Fixes

DEV-12601 - Combined line and bar charts with X-attribute of type Date or DateTime now display correctly.

DEV-14253 - Resolved issue with filtering on card components backed by relational stream views.

DEV-14454 - HTML grid cells now correctly don't include HTML tags in tooltips.

DEV-15156 - Any HTTP Collectors using expressions within HTTP Headers have been automatically updated with the new syntax. Manual verification is recommended.

DEV-15161 - Fixed a problem with some CSS properties not adding 'px' suffix automatically.

DEV-15178 - Fixed importing configuration sometimes ignored a change to the parent Table of a Table Action.

DEV-15251 - Resolved the issue with tooltips on graphs not closing after clicking outside the message.

DEV-15283 - System Console is no longer visible for users without the required 'View System Console' permission.

DEV-15327 - Permissions have been corrected to allow modification of the "Only allow restricted login permission users" setting.

DEV-15397 - Improved run time for actionflows that include analysis actions.

DEV-15443 - Adding a user group to a user that already has that user group will no longer generate an audit record.

DEV-15485 - By default, MySql and MariaDB JDBC drivers read all query results into memory before returning them to the calling code. This can result in excessive java memory consumption, and failure through running of memory completely.

In order to avoid this, we recommend that all MariaDB JDBC Urls specify 'defaultFetchSize=2000'. E.g.

<property name="url">



DEV-15504 - UID field is now populated correctly on Create Forms when default mappings are being used and it has not explicitly been marked as the primary key.

DEV-15644 - Fixed issue whereby Actions, Task Plans, Views etc. were never cleared from the records of objects used, hence were always recompiled on startup even if no longer used.

DEV-15722 - When copying or importing, user groups no longer maintain their associations with users that exist in the target instance.

Release 9.0.10


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.10. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.10.

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.10.on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.10. on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is not required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-15042 - Task Plans can now contain a mix of Action flow tasks and other tasks.

DEV-15243 - Macros now have access to _out, _inputMultiplier and _outputMultiplier

Bug Fixes

DEV-15128 - Resolved: deleting a keystore secret caused the secrets cache to fail, resulting in incorrect responses from the keystore until a restart was performed.

DEV-15205 - Dragging a foreign key attribute on a view will now only create a drop down on the related table's display name attribute when the view is already relational. Relational views can't currently be used to back pipes. This change ensures that it is possible to have a pipe backed by a view containing a foreign key attribute. 

DEV-15228 - Grid download data now correctly shows file type option.

DEV-15232 - jsonToXml enhanced to ensure it always generates permitted xml node names. Illegal characters are substituted with their hex code

Release 9.0.9


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.9. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.9

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.9 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.9 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is not required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-12943 - Save actions and View actions now pass through all attributes of the input record.

Bug Fixes

DEV-15069 - Ensure that action flows triggered by task plans are correctly marked as failed on error.

Release 9.0.8


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.8. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.8

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.8 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.8 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

A schema change is required for this PhixFlow release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-14520 -Rollback operations now limit the number of detailed info messages generated

DEV-14684 - Pressing enter when typing in a single-line string field on a screen will trigger the OnChange and form data change events. An example use case for this change is the ability to type in a search field and press enter which will cause the search criteria to apply to a filter.

DEV-14754 - Performance improvements for aggregated relational views.

Bug Fixes

DEV-14582 - Fixed run-time conflict with versions of security jar files which caused intermittent import/export issues

DEV-14721 - CSS Properties are now being re-evaluated after changing values on a screen.

DEV-14738 - Improved UI for Button Component's Action Method and Action Type.

DEV-14827 - Context parameters are now correctly passed between multiple analysis runs when run by a push pipe.

Release 9.0.7


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.7. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.7

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.7 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.7 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

PhixFlow requires no major product schema changes for this release.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-12864The hash() function has been updated so that in addition to the existing MessageDigest (see Hash Functions docs.oracle.com/.../StandardNames.html#MessageDigest). It also now supports the following categories of algorithms:

    - Ciphers (See encryption docs.oracle.com/.../StandardNames.html#Cipher)

    - MAC (See HMAC docs.oracle.com/.../StandardNames.html#Mac)

    - Signature (See signing docs.oracle.com/.../StandardNames.html#Signature)

The Base64 encoder now supports a JWT mode which is URL encoding without Padding (the "==" is not added to the encoded results). These changes provide expressions with the ability to generate JWT tokens of different formats.

DEV- 14525Enhancement to allow a single Task Plan to contain both analysis and rollback tasks. This supports the scenario where a rollback is required before an analysis is executed.

Bug Fixes

DEV-14490On Change handlers will now correctly run for drop downs and true false fields.

DEV-14535Copying a template to a layout component will now rewire any actionflow output mappings to the target form.

Release 9.0.6


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.6. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.6

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.6 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.6 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

PhixFlow requires no product schema changes for this release.

Improvements and New Features


Bug Fixes

DEV-14483: Fixed the issue of date-pickers picking the wrong month for some time zones.

Release 9.0.5


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.5. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.5

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.5 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.5 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions


Schema Changes

PhixFlow requires product schema changes for this release.

Highlighted Bug Fixes

DEV-14369 - DatePickers now send the selected date regardless of the timezone.

DEV-14370 - 'Select first row by default' flag now correctly causes formatting rules to evaluate when a screen is loaded.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-13215 - You can no longer have two users with the same username.

DEV-13926 - Support for namespaces added to the XMLtoItems() attribute function.

DEV-14291 - Added the option "use raw url" to HTTP Collectors and HTTP Exporters. When ticked the URL will not have any escaped characters decoded, the URL is used in its raw form.

Release 9.0.4


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.4. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.4

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.4 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.4 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Highlighted Bug Fixes

DEV-8521: It is now allowed to filter on the action summary column of audit summary and audit detail grids.

DEV-12817: Fixed occasional problem with selecting text not always working correctly.

DEV-13175: Improved error message from calculate action when an attribute is of the wrong type.

DEV-13609: Fixed performance regression test with cached lookups when compared against 8.3 cached lookups.

DEV-13645: Filters with the condition contains, starts with or ends with will now correctly match underscore and percent symbols.

DEV-13903:Actionflows on kanban card containers will now correctly update the kanban value and kanban display value when dropped on empty space

DEV-13967: Tooltips for html formatted view attributes will now be formatted correctly.

DEV-14083: PhixFlow no longer errors when a view uses 2 streams and the data range is set to Latest and the stream contains a local attribute

DEV-14242: Form fields on cards can now have a backing attribute set correctly from a property editor.

DEV-14245: Resolved regression preventing some users from changing their passwords.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-14220: New attribute functions have been added, refer to the help pages for full details:

- zipExtract(zipContents, filename, [charset) - extracts the file with the given name using the given charset

- zipListFiles(zipContents) - returns a list of filenames in the zipfile

- changeCharset(byteString [, charset]) - treats the input string as binary and attempts to convert it to the specified charset (autodetecting if none is specified).

Release 9.0.3


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.3. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.3

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.3 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.3 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Highlighted Bug Fixes

This release includes the following fix:

DEV-7873: Resolved an issue where you could get a Stack Overflow error if you called a macro with different numbers of parameters on a single stream or two streams running at the same time.

DEV-13909: File Collector and Http Collector sometimes failed to identify records to import based on XPath settings.

Release 9.0.2


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.2. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.2

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.2 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.2 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as described in Step 10 of Upgrading PhixFlow.

Special Upgrade Instructions

If you are upgrading from 9.0.0 please check that the migration script from 8.3.20 to 8.3.21 has been run. If it has been run there will be a column export_file_formats_enum in table stream_view. If this column does not exist you must run the 8.3.20 to 8.3.21 migration script before running the 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 migration script.

Improvements and New Features

DEV-9798: Users can now override the font size on a grid using grid row styles.

DEV-9923: Users can now add styles directly on the editor for grid attributes.

DEV-12898: Users can now access the list of templates using the screen toolbar.

DEV-13401: Font has now changed for all expressions to Roboto Mono.

DEV-13553: Added "Max Duration" to task plan under "advanced". value must be blank or a positive integer. When a value is entered the task plan will be automatically cancelled after running for a number of minutes equal to the max duration.

Added "Earliest start" and "Latest end" to task plan under "advanced". value must be in the format hh:mm e.g. 06:30. If one is set then the other must be set as well. When both are set the task plan can only be run after the start time and will end automatically at the end time if still running.

Highlighted Bug Fixes

This release includes the following fixes:

DEV-13234: Multiple connectors are now automatically curved on Workflow Models.

DEV-13288: Relational Drop Down fields will now have the drop down sorted alphabetically

DEV-13421: Dragging streamsets from the stream set grid to another stream will now correctly copy those stream sets over to the new stream.

DEV-13495: Object (buttons, event handlers, drop targets) are now hidden for users who don't have permission to run the assigned action.

Release 9.0.1


PhixFlow is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow Version 9.0.1. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This major release includes some important changes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 9.0.1

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies. 
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.1 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
    1. Please email support@phixflow.com if you are planning to run PhixFlow 9.0.1 on an unsupported database version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading.

  4. This release includes changes that affect the PhixFlow database. After upgrading, remember to republish the PhixFlow data as