Release 8.3.2

PhixFlow Ltd. is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow 8.3.2. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this version. This minor release includes important fixes.

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 8.3.2

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies.   
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.
Sections on this page

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading. There are no special instructions for this version.


DEV-8709  PhixFlow now treats user roles and privileges as instance-specific. Exports from a PhixFlow instance no longer include the references between user groups and users. When you import to another instance, for local and mixed users:

  • existing local and mixed users retain their roles and privileges unchanged
  • any new local or mixed users that are added do not have roles or privileges set by the import process.

DEV-8438  New and reset passwords that use the default password policy must now meet the following requirements:

Number of characters610
Upper case-1
Lower case-1

DEV-8666  The detailed user list now includes the user name as well the login name.

DEV-8351  For Excel templates,  PhixFlow can now read an attribute from a pipe to construct the sheet name. Use an expression with the form {pipe_name:attribute}; see File Exporter Excel Multi-input.

Bug Fixes

DEV-8693  Categoric line graphs now display correctly.

DEV-8705  Pie charts now correctly handle decimal places for DECIMAL attributes.

DEV-8694  Adding a percentage aggregate attribute now works correctly.

DEV-8635  Using the fieldCondition() function to filter null values now works correctly.

DEV-8644  Using a filter created with a fieldCondition() function that has the wrong attribute type, no longer causes an error.

DEV-8340  The File Name field has been removed from the image properties, as it is not needed.

DEV-8678  The Disable option has been removed from the repository context menu for external users, as it is not needed.

DEV-8377  The server ping functionality at http://server:port/PhixFlowInstance/ping.htm has been restored.

DEV-8380   The phixflow-datasource.xml.example file → externalCredential bean has been corrected to replace the placeholder text "demo" with:

  • for usernameKey: username
  • for passwordKey: password.