Release 8.2.15

PhixFlow Ltd. is pleased to announce the release of PhixFlow 8.2.15. This page describes the improvements and fixes in this minor release version. 

Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 8.2.15

To install a new PhixFlow instance:

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for details of the PhixFlow system requirements and update any dependencies.   
  2. Follow the instructions in Installing PhixFlow.
Sections on this page

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: 

  1. Check System Requirements and Compatibility for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions. For example, you may need to upgrade your database or Java version.
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the database before upgrading PhixFlow.
  3. Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete Step 8, in which you apply any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading. See below for the special instructions for this version.

Bug Fixes

DEV-10652  Scheduled tasks and manually-run tasks now always merge correctly. Previously, occasional incorrect merges caused:

  • the scheduled task to hang before all work was complete
  • log messages for the manual task to appear in the log messages for the scheduled task.