Release Notes
Former user (Deleted)
Anthony George
Lee Smith
PhixFlow's new features and fixes are described in release notes. Each release has a version number with the format X.Y.Z, for example 12.0.1. Numbers ending in zero, for example 12.0.0, indicate a major release; Numbers ending in one or more indicate a minor release that contains security updates and bug fixes.
Release 12.0.0
You requested, we listened! Welcome to PhixFlow Version 12. We’ve made a whole host of usability and performance enhancements to make PhixFlow more powerful than ever. Significant improvements and new features have been added, for more information visit what's-new-in-phixflow-12 To install a new PhixFlow instance: To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance: Follow the Upgrading PhixFlow steps. It is important to complete any Special Upgrade Instructions for all the intermediate releases between your current version and the version to which you are upgrading. Special Upgrade Instructions DEV-17630 Git Snapshot and Restore For example Windows: Linux: *the git directory needs to be in a location accessible to the PhixFlow, so that Tomcat is able to write to it. Significant schema changes are included in this release. These will be applied automatically as part of the PhixFlow startup process. The following privileges have been added and automatically assigned to the existing Administrators user group.: Actionflows DEV-18488 - In an Actionflow, if a HTTP Action URL expression evaluates to a value that does not begin with http or https, it will default to using https. DEV-18528 - The Email Endpoint Actionflow properties now displays the list of email accounts that trigger the Actionflow. DEV-18597 - In Actionflows, the Email action can now send inline images attached to emails. Analysis Models DEV-8669 - When dragging Analysis Models onto the Export or Copy pane, users are asked if they want to include the model's objects. If the Analysis Models have unsaved data, users must confirm before proceeding. DEV-18370 - When checking a SQL statement sent by a database exporter in the logs, the headline summary now replaces new lines in the statement with spaces. DEV-18547 - In Analysis models, on File Collectors, a new Password Attribute setting has been added when the File Local Strategy is Read File Paths. This allows you to specify an attribute within your file list that contains the corresponding password for each Excel file. If this attribute is left blank, the system will use the default password specified in the advanced configuration. This enhancement provides flexibility and security when handling sensitive data, ensuring that each encrypted Excel file can be accessed with its unique password. Applications DEV-17630 - It is now possible to snapshot and restore applications and packages to git. Right-click an application or package in the repository to see the Version Control options. DEV-18426 - Updated JavaScript front-end libraries to their latest versions. Common Features DEV-18544 - Added an "exclusion group" option field to Email Accounts. Inbound Email Accounts configured to trigger an Email Endpoint can have exclusion groups set so that multiple email accounts triggering the same action will not fire the action multiple times if they all receive the same email. Screens DEV-16123 - The new Attribute Source section in the properties of a View, Card Container and Form, displays a tree hierarchy of attributes assigned to it, along with their originating source. DEV-18080 - Relational views can now include attributes linked via more that one relation. DEV-18098 - Serene Grey has been updated to change the styles on all toggle buttons to improve responsiveness and visual accessibility. All existing toggle buttons will be updated with this changes (when the latest version of Serene Grey is installed), which include a darker off state, removal of the drop shadow effect and the toggle's background image is now proportionate to its size. DEV-18531 - On a Screen, when a File Gallery component has a file dragged over it the add icon changes colour to indicate the file will be uploaded. DEV-18768 - On Field property editors, it is now easier to see the path of the backing attribute. DEV-18911 - When adding charts to a screen, the 'Force Horizontal Axis Ticks' option is now available for line charts. Actionflows DEV-18665 - Lookups from embedded Actionflows will now show the correct list of available attributes. DEV-18692 - In Actionflows, Save actions will no longer fail if there are two records with the same UID on a table that has Audit Manual Changes turned on. DEV-18711 - In Actionflow attribute default value expressions the _flow internal variable is now available. DEV-18712 - Annotations on Actionflows will no longer intermittently import to an incorrect position. DEV-18783 - In Actionflows, a Save node will now always show the primary key of the table as an output mapping attribute. DEV-18799 - Fixed Actionflows with multiple phases sometimes hanging when they contain embedded Actionflows. DEV-18878 - Fixed the Run Action button not working for API Endpoints. Analysis Models DEV-18318 - Improved statement logging of Database Collectors so that it is clearer when a paramaterized query is used. DEV-18649 - In Analysis Modelling, changes to an object's properties (e.g. the Table Static flag) using the right-click menu are no longer ignored when running Analysis. DEV-18708 - On Analysis Models and Actionflows it is now possible to select and drag Objects together with Annotations. On Actionflows selected Annotations are also included while extracting to a new/existing Actionflow. DEV-18764 - In Analysis, File Exporters that are exporting an Excel template to a PDF file will now always evaluate the formulae before export. This ensures when templates values are referenced they are generated correctly. Applications DEV-18717 - Added "Git branch name" to system configuration, it will be used as the default branch name for new local Git repositories. DEV-18874 - For new installations should be explicitly configured in the file to configure the location of the data folders. ERD DEV-18650 - Table attributes marked as "local" no longer appear in attribute pickers. DEV-18664 - Table attributes now support a "read only" flag. If a table attribute is read only then its value cannot be updated by a Save action. File Tables can now be updated by a save action in an Actionflow, except for the Path and File Size attributes as these are read only. Screens DEV-17838 - The "Show Item Details" view no longer adds spaces to field names when the user is in design mode. DEV-18372 - On Charts the horizontal axis now correctly displays all data-points labels. DEV-18373 - On charts it is now possible to set the position of the legend. Options available are 'Left', 'Center', and 'Right'. DEV-18430 - Attribute pickers now only show relationships that are valid for the current container. If a component is in an application then the attribute picker will show relationships to tables in that application and its packages. If the component is in a package then the attribute picker will only show relationships to tables within that package. DEV-18646 - Fixed the problem with incorrect extensions being set for uploaded files that contain a dot in their name. DEV-18666 - Form fields now correctly show custom validation messages against initial unedited values. DEV-18873 - On Views, records are no longer filtered by superseded date if the table doesn't have audit manual changes selected or has a superseding pipe. DEV-18923 - When configuring charts on screens, various problems have been fixed with stacked Bar Charts where there are gaps in the data. A fix has also been applied when switching to the 'grouped' mode when disabling series. DEV-18933 - On Screens, a problem has been fixed with incorrect validation automatically applying for Number Fields backed by attributes with precision greater than 20. DEV-18944 - In Screen building, a problem has been fixed when displaying a Screen which contains a HTML String Field where the Default Value is a number. DEV-18968 - Charting: bar charts with an x-axis attribute of a number type now display correctly.What's New
Installing or Upgrading to PhixFlow Version 12.0.0
Schema Changes
Changes to Privileges
Improvements and New Features
Bug Fixes