Extracting Actions to a New Actionflow
Action nodes, within an Actionflow, can be re-used by extracting them from their original Actionflow and converting them into a new Actionflow. In the original Actionflow, the actions are transferred to an embedded Actionflow node.
The newly created Actionflow automatically contains:
- input, output and lookup connection points to connections outside of the new Actionflow, e.g. to action nodes and the original Actionflow
- all transferred action nodes
the original attributes, which are mapped to match the original Actionflow setup
Creating a Reusable Actionflow
- To make a reusable Actionflow, select the required action nodes and right-click to choose
- A new Actionflow is automatically created
- On the original Actionflow, the selected action nodes are replaced with the new embedded Actionflow node - see Actionflow Node
Extract to new Actionflow - A new Actionflow is automatically created
Important Considerations:
- All action nodes requiring extraction must be connected
- If a or Start Loop Action is extracted, its corresponding end/start loop must be extracted too End Loop Action
Start Phase actions cannot be included in the extraction
- Any passthrough attributes must be mapped into the original Actionflow
Moving Actions to Another Actionflow
An action node or group of action nodes can be moved to another Actionflow. This useful where you wish to reverse an action node extraction.
The nodes must be disconnected from the Actionflow's inputs and/or outputs before moving.
How-to Move Actions
- Disconnect the action or group of actions from the Actionflow's inputs and/or outputs
- Right-click on the actions nodes to be moved and choose Move to another Actionflow
- On the Select Actionflow popup, use the dropdown to select the Actionflow to move the action nodes to and select OK
- On the Select Action Phase popup, use the dropdown to select the phase within the chosen Actionflow to move the action nodes to and select OK
- The Actionflow that the action node(s) have been moved to will open
Worked Example
Here's a worked example using the Shop Data (available from the Learning Centre).
In this example, we are using:
- A Customer Form screen containing blank input fields, set up to create a new staff member - this screen was created using the Edit Form template
If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, the data and screens have already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Intermediate Application. For this example, we'll be working on the Save button on the Customer Form screen.
GIF/SCREENSHOT OF FINISHED RESULT In this example, we'll modify the Actionflow on the Save button for when a customer is created. We'll configure this Actionflow to convert the string entered for the First Name attribute to proper case, for example, if the user enters "JOHN" or "john", this action will convert this string to "John". We'll then extract this Actionflow for use elsewhere in our application. Click on the connector between the Calculate action and the Save action Map across the new Output Attribute onto the first_name attributeExtract Proper Case Calculate Action
Create Proper Case Calculate Action
// put the name into lowercase, e.g. "john"
toLower(in.first_name), " ",
// put the first letter into upper case, e.g. "J"
$firstLetter = toUpper(substring(in.first_name, 1,1)),
// put the name from the 2nd letter onwards into lower case, e.g. "ohn"
$remainingLetters = toLower(substring(in.first_name, 2)),
// create a new proper case name using the upper case first letter and lower case remaining letters, e.g. "J" + "ohn" = "John"
$newName = $firstLetter+$remainingLetters
Extract Proper Case Calculate Action
Proper Case