5 Refresh actions

PhixFlow Help

5 Refresh actions

In the previous exercise, every time you wanted to see the effect of an action you had to refresh the view. Now you will update the view so that it refreshes when you run any of the actions you created.

  • Open the model Dashboards and Forms 11-13. Actions to update, insert, delete
  • Go to the stream Wisteria Books Return Requests, and open the configuration form for the view Wisteria Books Return Requests
  • Go to the Refresh Actions section
  • Add all of the actions you created during the previous exercise to the list of refresh actions:
    • Press  - Actions
    • Select all three actions and drag them into the list of Refresh Actions
    • Press  to apply your changes
  • Open the view Wisteria Books Return Requests
  • Test all three actions – you should now see the result of each action shown straight away

    Views do not automatically refresh for every action because on a dashboard where there are a mixture of views – sometimes from a number of streams, sometimes from the same stream – you often don't want all views to refresh for all actions. In some cases there may be a performance consideration, when the streams contain a lot of data and refreshing takes some time (even a refresh of a few seconds will seem long to users). But in many cases this is driven by the process you are building – often leaving some views unfreshed when certain actions are applied will make more sense to users.
    Determining when this is the case will be part of your design process when building forms, and acceptance testing with your users.

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