11 Picking latest sales update for each customer

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11 Picking latest sales update for each customer

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Create an aggregate stream
  • Set ordering on pipes
  • Use Maximum Number of Records per Group on a pipe

In this exercise you will select the latest (most recent) sales record for each customer, from the set of combined updates you created in the previous exercise.

Create an Aggregate Stream

  • Find the icon  - Add New Stream (Aggregate), and drag this onto the modelling pane
  • Give this Stream the Name: Latest Package Update
  • Add a pipe from Combined Updates:
    • Hover over Combined Updates and press - Add a new Connector
    • Click on Latest Package Update to connect the pipe
  • Drag all attributes from Combined Updates to Latest Package Update

Set up Grouping and Ordering on input pipe

You will set up the grouping needed (by Customer Ref) on the input pipe to the aggregate stream – but also set up ordering of the data. Both of these are done on the pipe.

In this case you want to select, for each Customer Ref, the latest (most recent) package update.

So, in addition to grouping by Customer Ref, you will order by Sales Date descending. This means that the first record delivered by the input pipe, for each Customer Ref, is the most recent for that customer.

  • Double click on the pipe from Combined Updates
  • Go to the Sort/Group section
    • Press  - Show Stream Attributes
    • Drag in CustomerRef
    • Drag in SalesDate
    • You will leave CustomerRef as a grouping attribute
    • You will update SalesDate to be a ordering attribute:
      • Double click on SalesDate in the Sort/Group attributes list
      • Set the Sort Direction to descending: Z-A
      • Untick the Group flag
      • Press 
    • Set Maximum Number of Records per Group to: 1

This setting means that for each key value – in this case for each value of CustomerRef – only the first record will be returned; since you have also ordered by SalesDate descending, this will be the latest (most recent) record for each CustomerRef

  • Press  in the main pipe configuration form to save your changes

Test your new Stream

  • Run analysis on your new stream
  • Make sure that for all customers the most recent sales update has been selected

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