This page is for administrators. It explains how to create a PhixFlow home screen.
By default, PhixFlow does not display a home screen. This means that, when a user first opens PhixFlow, the screen behind the login window is blank. You can configure Phixflow to display a home screen behind the login window. You can:
- either display the standard home screen, which includes the PhixFlow logo, name and version
- or display the standard home screen with custom content, incuding formatted text and images. Images must be uploaded to PhixFlow.
If the space required by the text plus image exceeds the available space on the home screen, PhixFlow automatically adds scrollbars.
When you configure a home screen, it is displayed to all PhixFlow users when they are logging in.
How to Configure a Home Screen
Standard home screen
- Go to System Configuration → General Settings → Home Screen Message HTML.
- Just add a space???
- Click . Apply and Close
With custom content
- To upload any images that you require, go to the repository → Application → Images. Right-click and select see Add; Image for more details.
- Go to System Configuration → General Settings → Home Screen Message HTML.
- Enter the content that you want to appear on the home screen. You can paste in or write HTML, or enter text and then use the toolbar to format the content.
- To reference an image, use the relative path
For example<img height="100" src="../images/bigcorp-logo.jpg" />
- Click . Apply and Close
- Download the file home-screen-test.png and upload it to PhixFlow.
Copy the following HTML into System Configuration → General Settings → Home Screen Message HTML.
<p><font size="14pt" color="green" style="bold">Welcome to PhixFlow, solving your business data and processes.</font></p> <p><img height="150" src="../images/home-screen-test.png" alt="PhixFlow Process"/>
Click . Apply and Close
Log out of PhixFlow.
- Log in again.