- Use Palette layouts that have multiple areas. This layout has:
- a container area type: split view
- sibling areas
- Use pop-up menu options Add Area...
These options create a new pane on the screen, which is a Dashboard Element in the repository.
In PhixFlow version 8.3 and earlier, this option was called splitter bars, and the pop-up menu options were- Add Vertical Bar
- Add Horizontal Bar
To remove a pane:
- First delete any layouts or components in it.
- Right-click on the empty pane to display the pop-up menu.
- Select
Pane.Insert excerpt _delete_item _delete_item nopanel true
Dashboard Elements
A screen or screen pane can be bound to data by dragging a stream (table) or view onto it. In the repository, this creates a new dashboard element as a child of the dashboard.
In PhixFlow 8.3 and earlier, a dashboard element provided a way to have different data bound to different parts of the screen. In PhixFlow 9.0 and later,
todo - what does dragging a stream or view onto a screen actually do?? no dashboard element?? Data component.
See also:
Remove Dashboard Element
You can remove a Dashboard Element from the screen by right clicking on the view and going to Screen Options → Remove element from screen
Use Context Menu Options
- Right-click a screen
- Use one of the Add Area... options to add a new part for the screen, separated with a dividing line.
PhixFlow creates a new dashboard element for this part of the screen. - Add a suitable container, such as an area, form or card container.