Screens How-to Guides
Screens How-to Guides
The following pages contain information on how to implement common screen building tasks. The pages in this topic are:
- Adding a Drop-Down
- Adding Styling to a Drop-Down View
- Adding a Slide-Out Area
- Adding Text and Labels
- Adding a File Gallery Display
- Creating a Toggle Filter
- How-to Create a Google Map
- Making a Card Container
- Making a True-False Component
- Making Kanban Boards
- Splitting a Screen
- Linked and Driving Views or Forms
- Editing Labelled Form Fields
- Component Categories and Preferred Parents
- Referencing Files and Images Via a Soft Link
- Multiple Databound Components Sharing a Name
- Adding Colours to Grid Rows Dynamically
- Adding Colours to Card Container Dynamically
, multiple selections available,
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