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This page is for application designers who are editing or creating palettes with custom components. It explains how to use layout categories on template components to set preferred parent highlighting.


In PhixFlow it The PhixFlow palette contains sets of template layouts and components. It is easy to drag a template layout or component from a palette onto a screen.

If the template component a component or layout on the palette has a preferred parent configured, PhixFlow will highlight the appropriate areas onto which you can drop the componentit. This can be useful where you have a screen with different areas designed to display different things, such as:

  • a header for static and dynamic text
  • a form container -area for data fields and text labels
  • a card container -area for cards
  • a button bar for buttons.
  • A a tile container for tiles. The tile container has special properties that pay the tiles out responsively. May need to reword this but can we say why
    Some palettes include layouts called tile containers and tiles. These layouts are configured to with styles and properties that ensure a screen is responsive to changes in screen size or form-factor.

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You can configure any components to have Configure a preferred parent , but it is most useful to do this for components on the palette. It will ONLY work for palette items and maybe template in the future. Consider rewording your statement about it being most usefu to something more definite.for a layout or component that is either already on the palette, or that you intend to add to the palette. The nature and naming of parent types is up to you.  


The following palettes predate version 9.0.0 and the template components are not configured with preferred parents. - We are going to group and apply preferred parents to theme 2. 

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This means when you drag components from them, PhixFlow is unable to highlight potential parent areas.

To install the latest version of Theme 2, which has been updated to add preferred parents, see Installing Themes and Packages.

See also

How to Configure Preferred Parents

Could we have a diagram that illustrates what is happening at a high level e.g. category → expected children?

  1. Create layout categories; see Layout Category Properties, below.
    • Either in the repository, expand the Layout Categories section and click 
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    • Or in an area component properties, in Basic Settings → Layout Categories, click 
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  2. Edit an area component. In Basic SettingsLayout Category, select a layout category.
  3. Open the repository and expand Layout Categories.
  4. Drag the repository tab to the left to display it next to the other tabs.
  5. Open a component's properties.
    For example, in the palette, right-click on a component and select Edit
  6. From the repository, drag a layout category onto the Preferred Parent Categories list.

The following table shows some examples of the layout categories you could create, and the components that would be appropriate for them.

Template componentLayout category/preferred parent
static and dynamic text fieldsheader-area, form-area
data fieldsform-area
buttonsbutton - bar area


Step 4 illustrated:

Layout Category Properties 

Use layout categories to configure highlighting of an area that is a preferred parent area highlighting , when you drag components from the palette onto a screen.

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Basic Settings


Enter the name for the layout category, which PhixFlow will add to the Layout Categories section of the repository.

Drag layout categories from the repository into the Preferred Parent Categories section of components.

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