Drop-down views can be styled to suit your business requirements. In the below example, row styling has been configured on the view that can be seen in the drop-down.
View Setup
Create a view to use in the drop-down list. This can be configured from your Insert excerpt |
_erd | _erd | nopanel | true |
by clicking on the table header, or from a screen that currently displays a view of the data, by right-clicking and choosing Insert excerpt |
_show_table_configuration | _show_table_configuration | nopanel | true |
.In the Insert excerpt |
_tables | _tables | nopanel | true |
's Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | nopanel | true |
, expand the Views sectionClick Insert excerpt |
_addIcon | _addIcon | nopanel | true |
to create a new viewGive the view an appropriate name and press Insert excerpt |
_save | _save | nopanel | true |
In the View Attributes section, select the Insert excerpt |
_attributes_icon | _attributes_icon | nopanel | true |
icon to open the Available Attributes selectorDrag across the attributes you wish to see in the drop-down view into the View Attributes section on the Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | nopanel | true |
, then press OKOn the Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | name | style |
nopanel | true |
for the new View, choose or create new styles as requiredFor creating drop-downs, see Adding a Drop-Down.
View Style Settings
In this example, we will create a number of new styles to achieve the below styling for our drop-down view.
For Grid Row Style, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
icon to create a new style:Name: GridRowHeight
Height: 20px
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
For Grid Column Style, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
icon to create a new style:Name: GridColumnBorderRight
Border: choose the Split border option
For R:
Enter 1px
For the colour picker, enter the hex code #bdbdbd
For the line, choose solid
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
For Grid Alternate Row Style, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
icon to create a new style:Name: GridAltRowColour
Fill: #e8e8e8
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
For Row Selection Style, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
icon to create a new style:Name: RowSelectColour
Fill: #c27ba0
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
For Grid Row Hover Style, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
icon to create a new style:Name: GridRowHoverColour
Fill: #daafc6
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| _finish |
| _finish |
nopanel | true |
the new View
Add View to Drop-Down
On a screen, display your data using the default view in a Insert excerpt |
_grid | _grid | nopanel | true |
Click on the attribute header - this should be the attribute that your new drop-down view will be displayed forOn the View Attributes Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | nopanel | true |
, pin the tab to keep it openOpen the Insert excerpt |
_tables | _tables | nopanel | true |
's Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | nopanel | true |
and expand the View sectionDrag across your new view from the table properties into the Selection View field (found in the Drop Down Settings section of the View Attribute properties) Insert excerpt |
_save | _save | nopanel | true |
the propertiesClose and reopen the screen, then Insert excerpt |
_lock | _lock | nopanel | true |
the screen to see the changes