Drop-downs can be added to grids or form fields on screens using a dedicated view. The below image shows a drop-down on a grid.
Drop-downs can be styled to suit your needs, including row colours, row heights and mouse-over colours, see Adding Styling to a Drop-Down View.
Create a Drop-Down on a Grid
Create a view containing the data you wish to display in your drop-down list
Expand |
This can be configured from your by clicking on the table header, or from a screen that currently displays a view of the data, by right-clicking and choosing Insert excerpt |
| _show_table_configuration |
| _show_table_configuration |
nopanel | true |
| .- In the
Insert excerpt |
| _tables |
| _tables |
nopanel | true |
| 's Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
| , expand the Views section - Click
Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
| to create a new view - Give the view an appropriate name and press
- We recommend the view name is prefixed with
DD_ to indicate it's for a drop-down
- In the View Attributes section, select the
Insert excerpt |
| _attributes_icon |
| _attributes_icon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to open the Available Attributes selector - Drag across the attributes you wish to see in the drop-down view into the View Attributes section on the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
| , then press OK - (Optional) On the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | style |
nopanel | true |
| for the new View, choose or create new styles, if required- See Adding Styling to a Drop-Down View
- either the table or drop-down view tab to keep it open
- On a screen containing a , click on the attribute header for the column where you want to display drop down fields
- The View Attribute
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
will open - On the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | style |
nopanel | true |
, untick Read Only - On the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
, drag across your drop-down view into the Selection View field, found in the Drop Down Settings section of the View Attribute properties
- the properties
- Close and reopen the screen, then the screen to see the changes
Create a view containing the data you wish to display in your drop-down list
- either the table or drop-down view tab to keep it open
- On a screen containing a fields, click on the drop-down field where you want to display the drop down
- If your field is not configured as a drop down, right-click it and choose
Insert excerpt |
| _template_change |
| _template_change |
nopanel | true |
- Select the Drop Down (Manual) template from the Serene Grey palette
- The Drop Down
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
will open - In the Basic Settings section of the View Attribute properties, make the following changes:
- Drag across your drop-down view into the View Name field
- In the Drop Down Value Field, enter the name of the attribute from your drop down view that you want to display in the field
- the properties
- Close and reopen the screen, then the screen to see the changes
Multiple form fields can be dynamically updated depending on the option a user selects in a drop-down field. In the example below, a user selects a customer from the Customer Number drop down field and the fields, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name and Customer Email Address, are dynamically updated.
- Follow the above steps to create a drop-down on a form
- In the Drop-Down component properties, in the Mappings section, mappings to link the data and fields
- Assign each Form Field (field name on the screen) to a Drop Down Field (attribute name)
- (Optional) For each field being updated dynamically, enabled Read Only in the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | style |
nopanel | true |