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Test Your Knowledge Training Exercise
You have now learnt how to create and configure simple Actionflows in PhixFlow. To reinforce the techniques you have learnt, complete these assignments. Note: A training instance is required to complete these assignments.
Don't worry, this is not an exam. You can use the Help to broaden your understanding and assimilate knowledge. A number of hints have been provided; use these if you are struggling as each hint gives you more information on the solution.
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Remember to close and reopen your screen if you do not see the changes you expect. |
Assignment 1
Difficulty Level:
Configure the Students button on Task 1
On the Menu (screen), configure the Students button to open the Student Management screen
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Actionflow Setup Image Added |
Task 2
Configure the Save and Delete buttons on New Student Form screen to save and delete data in the School Students table.
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Save Actionflow Setup Image Added Delete Actionflow Setup Image Added |
Assignment 2
Difficulty Level:
Task 1
On the Student Management screen, when a new student is created using the New Student button, we want the Intake Year field on the New Student Form screen to be prepopulated with the current year in the format,
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title | Hint 1 (Which Actionflow?) |
Modify the Actionflow on the New Student button on Student Management screen. |
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title | Hint 2 (How to Show the Current Year) |
Use one of PhixFlow's Functions to retrieve the current year. What type of Action Node can perform a function? |
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title | Hint 4 (Output Attribute) |
When creating your Output Attribute, set the Type as Integer. Your Expression should be: Code Block |
| dateGet(now(),_YEAR) |
Note: The function now can also be used. This will return the date with a Type of String and requires the field that is being mapped onto to have a Type of Date set. |
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title | Hint 5 (Helpful Reminders) |
Check your mappings all the way through the Actionflow and remember to map your new Output Attribute onto the IntakeYear field. |
When a user tries to save
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Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added Note: The function now is also an acceptable solution - see Hint 4. |
Task 2
When a new student is saved, we want a confirmation screen to appear that allows the save to be confirmed or cancelled.
Bonus Task: add a static text component to the confirmation screen with the Display Text, "Are you sure you want to create the new student,". In the Actionflow, map the name of the new student onto the dynamic text component, Message
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title | Hint 1 (Which Actionflow?) |
Modify the Save Actionflow on the New Student Form screen.
2 Create
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title | Hint 2 (Which Actionflow?) |
Modify the Save Actionflow on the New Student Form screen. |
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- From the palette, add a Header 1 - Static component to the screen and add the Display Text specified above
. - Within the Confirmation phase of the Save Actionflow,
add a Insert excerpt |
_action_calculate | _action_calculate | nopanel | true |
between the input node and the Open Screen node.Add an Output Attribute with the Expression:
Code Block |
in.- change the Input Connection Point to the New Student Form
- Map across the Name
- Map the
Output Attribute - Name onto the Message dynamic text component.
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Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added |
Task 3
title | Hint 1 (Displaying WebIcon Attribute)Set up the Students grid on the Student Management screen to contain a button in the Web column that open the student's website when clicked. Use the Action Icon
Insert excerpt |
| _styles_ccs |
| _styles_ccs |
nopanel | true |
, WebsiteIconWeb icon: Image Removed Expand |
2 1 (Creating Actionflow and Icon Style) |
Set up the Actionflow and icon style by clicking the |
Web WebIcon header in the grid. In the Properties for the WebIcon View Attribute, click the Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | action |
nopanel | true |
| .Set an Action Method of Actionflow and create a new Actionflow. |
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This Actionflow has a similar setup to 1.14 Open URL Action Configuration, except it does not require a Insert excerpt |
| _action_calculate |
| _action_calculate |
nopanel | true |
| action. |
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For the Action Icon Style, click Insert excerpt |
| _styles_ccs_list |
| _styles_ccs_list |
nopanel | true |
| to see the preconfigured styles in the app. Drag the |
WebsiteIcon WebsiteIconStyle style into the Action Icon Style box on |
the the Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | action |
nopanel | true |
| , or you can create your own style using the WWWIcon. |
Hint 4 (Actionflow) | This Actionflow is the same as the one setup in 1.14 Open URL Action Configuration, except the Expression for the Output Attribute is:
Code Block |
in.Address |
Icon Style and Grid Setup Image Added Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added |
Assignment 3
Difficulty Level:
Task 1
When a new student is created on the New Student Form screen, we want the form to contain validation. Create a new validation rule stipulating:
- the Name field is mandatory
- the Name field must contain at least 3 characters
- the Name field must adhere to the pattern, ^[A-Za-z\s-]+$
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title | Hint 1 (How to set validation) |
Remember validation is setup on the inner input field. |
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Setting a field as mandatory is configured using the tick box and toggle button in the Validation section of the Properties tab. |
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title | Hint 3 (New Validation Type) |
Create a new validation type with the following settings: Base Type: String Minimum Length: 3 Pattern: |
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Screen Setup Image Added |
Task 2
We want the status of a course to be dynamically updated to On Hold if the associated classroom's status is changed to Unavailable
(use drop down, define the statuses)Add .
On your ERD, add an attribute to the School_ClassRooms data, with the name, ClassroomStatus
, a Type of
String Use - On the Classroom Availability Management screen
to change the classroom status We want to see a list of the courses that each student is enrolled on. Set up a button, using a lookup, on the Student Management screen that opens the Courses Enrolled screen with this information on- Bonus Task: Map the student name onto the dynamic text component, StudentName, so that when the Courses Enrolled button is pressed, the selected student name shows
- Image Removed
HTML Comment |
Assignment 2
Difficulty Level: Image Removed
On the Course Management screen open the Insert excerpt |
_layers | _layers | nopanel | true |
and expand the area, Screen HeaderExpand the area, Right, and you will see two components - a button and a dynamic text fieldCreate an Actionflow on the button that uses the now function to insert today's date into a dynamic text field HTML Comment |
Difficulty Level: Image Removed
On the Course Management screen open the Insert excerpt |
_layers | _layers | nopanel | true |
and expand the area, Screen HeaderExpand the area, Right, and you will see two components - a button and a dynamic text fieldCreate an Actionflow on the button that uses the now function to insert today's date into a dynamic text field Expand |
title | Questions to consider |
- Does this Actionflow require any data from the Course Management screen for it to run?
- What type of Action Node can perform a function?
- How do you write the results of the function to the text field on the screen?
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title | Helpful Hints & Answers to the Above Questions |
- No data is required for the input
- Use a Calculate Action to perform the function
- You will need a create an output to write to the text field
- The top level of the screen is called a Form
- Remember to map all the way through the Actionflow
- Check every connector to make sure the data you expect is being pushed through
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title | Input & Action Node Setup |
Right-click on the button on the screen and choose Insert excerpt |
_actionflow_add | _actionflow_add | nopanel | true |
Enter a name for the Actionflow,- Name:
Populate Date Field
- Select Confirm
Select Click to Connect and for the input, choose the Insert excerpt |
_actionflow_on_click | _actionflow_on_click | nopanel | true |
Action Event, then select Connect InputClick and drag the Insert excerpt |
_action_calculate | _action_calculate | nopanel | true |
icon from the toolbar onto the canvasEnter a name for the Calculate Action and select Create Action The Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | nopanel | true |
for the Calculate Action will open on the rightIn the Output Attributes section, click the Insert excerpt |
_add_icon | _add_icon | nopanel | true |
iconEnter a name for the new Output Attribute and complete the following details:Type: choose String
Then Insert excerpt |
_finish | _finish | nopanel | true |
Click and drag the input onto the Get Date Calculate Action Expand |
Setup the Output and Write Back to the Screen
In the Connections panel on the left, click Insert excerpt |
_addIcon | _addIcon | nopanel | true |
Add to create a new connection pointEnter the following details for the new connection point:- Name:
- Type: choose
- Select Create Connection Point
Select Click to Connect and for the output, choose the Insert excerpt |
_form | _form | nopanel | true |
datasource- Select Connect Output
Close the Mappings window that automatically opensHover over the Calculate Action node and select outA red arrow will appear - click on the Insert excerpt |
_output | _output | name | icon |
nopanel | true |
output node under ConnectionsOn the Mappings window, drag the attribute, TodayDate, from the left (Calculate Action) to the right (output connection point) to create an attribute on the output- Select Save
Under Connections, right-click on the connector, out, and choose Insert excerpt |
_mappings_configure | _mappings_configure | nopanel | true |
Drag the TodayDate attribute from the left (output connection point) and drop it onto the DateField target parameter on the right (Course Management screen)- Select Save
Close the Actionflow to return to the Course Management screen Insert excerpt |
_lock | _lock | nopanel | true |
the screen and press the Button Date on the screen to see the Actionflow in actionWe can see that the Actionflow is working because it displays today's date in the format DD/MM/YY in the DateField dynamic text field- , add in the attribute you just created
- Set up the screen so that the status can be changed using a fixed (custom) drop down list with the values, Available and Unavailable
- Your screen setup should look similar to this:Image Added
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title | Hint 1 (Which Actionflow?) |
Configure the Save Actionflow on the Classroom Availability Management screen. |
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title | Hint 2 (Which Action Node?) |
Use a Insert excerpt |
| _action_view |
| _action_view |
nopanel | true |
| action and use the Help in 1.15 View Action Configuration. |
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Screen Setup Image Added Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added Output Attribute in Calculate Action Image Added Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added |
Task 3
We want to see a list of the courses that each student is enrolled on. Set up the Courses Enrolled button, using a lookup, on the Student Management screen that populates the Student is enrolled in tile.
- Map onto the string field, CourseIDFromView
Bonus Task: Map the student name onto the dynamic text component, StudentName, so that when the Courses Enrolled button is pressed, the selected student name shows.
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title | Hint 1 (Lookup Table) |
When creating your Lookup, you'll need to select the primary table, School Course Attendees. |
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title | Hint 2 (Background Filter) |
Once your Actionflow is setup and the CourseID is being mapped into the CourseIDFromView field, remember to create a background filter. |
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Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added Output Attributes in Calculate Action Image Added Lookup Mappings Image Added Actionflow Setup & Mappings Image Added Background Filter Image Added |
Once you have verified your Actionflow is working, finish by hiding the tile (Column 2) that contains the CourseIDFromView string field.
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