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When setting up users, you must also configure Email Accounts so that users can send and/or receive emails.

titleSee More

We also recommend you use the System Configuration options to configure the following emails to go to your support or administration team.

  • a Feedback Email Address so users can email any issues via the 
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    → Support Menu → Email Support menu option.
  • an Error Reporting Email Address so users can email error logs via the Report button in a system error message; see Error Messages.
  • System Email Address so PhixFlow can email system requests. For example, PhixFlow uses this address to send user password reset requests; see Changing or Resetting Your Password.


    It is important to set a system email address as the registered owner of the email account. This is because some email services reject emails that are not from the registered owner of the email account. 

If you are setting up a service to poll an email account for incoming messages,


we recommend you read the article Reading Data From an Email Account, which covers a number of common examples.

If PhixFlow cannot connect to the email server, it will time-out the sending of email after 10 seconds.

Image Added Worked Example and Troubleshooting

Email Account Integration

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If checked, this is an outbound email account, used to send emails. There can only be one active outbound account at any one time.

If not checked, this in an inbound account, and is used to receive (download) emails.


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Once you have set up an account, hover over the
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menu and choose
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 to check you have configured the email account correctly.

PhixFlow tests the values currently appearing on the screen. Remember to save the configuration after the test is successful.

Basic Settings

NameEnter the name of the configured email account.

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 to make this email account active.

If this is an outbound account, it will be used to send emails whenever required.

If this is an inbound account, PhixFlow will connect to the server periodically (at the defined polling interval) and download new messages.

Protect During Import

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 to allow this email account to be updated or deleted by import from another PhixFlow instance.

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 to retain the email account settings if this email account is imported from another PhixFlow instance. Also to prevent this email account being deleted during import.


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Select Outbound to set this as an outbound email account, used to send emails.


In PhixFlow 12 and older, there can only be one active outbound account at any one time.

In PhixFlow 12.1+ multiple outbound email account can be active.

Select Inbound to set this as an inbound account, used to receive (download) emails.

Use as system default email account

Available in PhixFlow 12.1+

Available when Type is Outbound, and when the email account does not belong to an application or package.

Set if this email account is the default for outbound emails (maximum one per system).



Use as application default email account

Available in PhixFlow 12.1+

Available when Type is Outbound, and when the email account belongs to an application or package.

Set if this email account is the default for outbound emails (maximum one per application).

HostEnter the host address of the configured email account.


Available when Type is Inbound.

Select the protocol used during the email fetching




Select the encryption used during the sending or receiving of emails.
Use Default Port


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 to automatically calculate the port from the protocol and encryption type.

Default PortEnter the default port number.


Available when Use Default Port is not selected.

Enter the port number of the configured email account. 


Authorisation Type


  • No Authorisation: no user credentials will be provided.
  • Local: to provide user credentials from PhixFlow. When you select this option, the Login and Password properties are available.
  • External: to provide user credentials from the secure keystore. When you select this option, the Username Key and Password Key properties are available.
    Use this option for greater security.
  • OAuth 2: access using a client token. When you select this option, the Login, Client Token Configuration, Client Token Instance and Status properties are available.

Available when Authorisation Type is Local or OAuth2.

Enter the username used to log in onto the configured email account. 




Available when Authorisation Type is Local.

Enter the password used to log in onto the configured email account.

Username Key

Available when Authorisation Type is External.

Enter the alias that identifies the username in the keystore.

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Password Key

Available when Authorisation Type is External.

Enter the alias that identifies the password in the keystore.

On Email Received

Available when Type is Inbound.

Choose from:

  • Hold for collection via file collector: the email is processed by a
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     in an Analysis model
  • Trigger an email endpoint actionflow: the email is processed by an 
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Email Endpoint Action

Available when Type is Inbound and One Email Received is Trigger an email endpoint actionflow.

Select a

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to run when an incoming email is received in the designated email account



Client Token Configuration

Available when Authorisation Type is OAuth2.

Select an client token to use for OAuth2 authorisation from the dropdown menu or create one from the application repository.

Client Token  Instance

Available when Authorisation Type is OAuth2.

This field is read-only.


Available when Authorisation Type is OAuth2.

This field is read-only. Select the 

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button to authenticate the email account.


Available when Type is Inbound.

Enter the folder which the emails will be fetched from.

If using a sub folder, the folder path must be entered here, for example, Inbox/Endpoint

If left blank, the default inbox folder will be used.



Collectedemailsare saved to FileUploadDirectory\default\in\YYYYMMDD\FolderName, where



  • FileUploadDirectory is the value specified in System Configuration Screen


  • YYYYMMDD is a folder created by the system for each day


  • FolderName is a system generated folder for each new message


  • .


Test To:


Available when Type is Outbound.

Enter the address to which test emails will be sent.


Polling Interval (s)

Available when Type is Inbound.

Enter the interval, in seconds, of the email fetching from the account. If left blank, the value configured in the file will be used.

Maximum emails fetched in one batch

Available when Type is Inbound.

Set a maximum number of emails to be retrieved at one time.

Process messages after

Available when Type is Inbound.

Enter a date and time and PhixFlow will ignore any messages received before this time.  This is useful where you want to limit the date range of emails to be processed, such as only process new emails from a certain date.


Ignore messages older than (hours)

Available when Type is Inbound.

Enter a number in hours and PhixFlow will ignore any messages received more than that many hours ago. This is useful where you want to limit the date range of emails to be processed, such as only process emails from today and newer.

Exclusion Group

Available when Type is Inbound.

titleWhat's an Exclusion Group?

Exclusion Groups are used to group processes and limit their ability to run at the same time.

Use this where you have multiple Email Accounts triggering the same Email Endpoint and and you only want the Email Endpoint to be triggered once if the Email Accounts receive the same email, such as one Email Account being the To recipient and one Email Account being the CC recipient.

Enter any text to indicate the group, and repeat this with the other Email Accounts triggering the same Email Endpoint.

PropertiesEnter the 'key=value' list of the configured email account properties. Each pair should appear on a new line.
Delete Read Messages

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 to delete emails from the mail server

  • either immediately after they are downloaded
  • or after a period of time, set in Delete After Days.
Delete After Days


Available when Delete Read Messages is



Enter the number of days for which messages are kept before they are deleted from the server


. If left empty or set to 0 messages are deleted immediately after they are downloaded.



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 to output email debug messages to the log files.


The Image RemovedTest Configuration button allows the user to test if the provided email configuration is correct.


Image Added Worked Example and Troubleshooting

Email Account Integration

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