Email Account Integration

Email Account Integration


PhixFlow supports fetching and sending emails through Microsoft Office 365 Outlook and Google accounts. This page describes the setup required for both.

System Configuration Setup in PhixFlow

  1. On the  Administration menu, access   Configuration
    1. Check the System URL field is set to the public URL PhixFlow is accessed on by users
      1. For example, http://phixflowhost.com/phixflow/
  2. Ensure the secure flag is set on cookies, see Install Tomcat

Microsoft Office 365 Account


Email Host's Application Configuration

These steps are performed outside of PhixFlow.

An Office 365 Administrator is required to perform the following step to enable a PhixFlow instance to interact with Microsoft Office 365 Outlook.  

  1. Open the Microsoft Entra Admin Center at https://entra.microsoft.com/#home
  2. Select ApplicationsApp Registrations
  3. Click New Registration
    1. Name: PhixFlow O365 Integration, or another appropriate value
    2. Supported Account types: Choose Accounts in this organizational directory only
    3. Redirect URI:
      1. Select a Platform: Web 
      2. URL: SystemURL+receiveTokenAuthentication.htm
        e.g. http://phixflowhost.com/phixflow/receiveTokenAuthentication.htm
  4. Click Register
  5. Take a note of the Application (client ID)
  6. Click Add a certificate or secret
  7. Click New client secret
    1. Give the certificate a name
    2. Set the expires time, after which the secret has to be refreshed. Either use the default 180 days, or pick an alternative value such as 730 days.
      1. Ensure you create a new the secret before it expires.
    3. Press Add
    4. Take a note of the value, this is the Client Secret 

Client Token Configuration in PhixFlow

  1. Open the  Full Repository and find the Client Token Configuration, then create a new one
    1. Or, this can be done from the application's repository
  2. To allow a user to authenticate, choose the User flow
  3. Set the Client ID to the value obtained from Entra
  4. Set the Client Secret to the value obtained from Entra
  5. Set the Base URL to https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/ or https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}
    1. Typically, the tenantId is your email domain, e.g. mycompany.com
    2. Base URL example: https://login.microsoftonline.com/MyCompany.com/
  6. Set the Scopes to: user.read mail.read mail.send mail.read.shared mail.send.shared openid email offline_access
  7. Leave Identity Claim blank
  8. Enable Supports Inbound Email and Supports Outbound Email, as required

Create an Email Account in PhixFlow

  1. Create an Email Account in the application's repository
  2. Set a Name which you'll use to identify the email account, e.g. Customer Service
  3. Toggle on Enabled
  4. Set the Type to Inbound or Outbound, depending on your requirements
  5. For an inbound email account:

    1. Set Host to outlook.office365.com
    2. Set the Protocol to Microsoft
    3. Set the Encryption to SSL/TLS
    4. Toggle on Use Default Port
    5. For the Authorisation Type, select OAuth 2
    6. Set the Login to the email address being monitored
    7. For On Email Received choose:
      1. Hold for collection via file collector if you want PhixFlow to monitor and hold the emails in a  File Collector for later processing
        1. See Reading Data From an Email Account
      2. Choose Trigger an email endpoint actionflow if you want PhixFlow to monitor and process the emails using the   Email Endpoint specified in Email Endpoint Action
        1. See Setting up an Email Endpoint
        2. (Optional) If you want to monitor a specific folder in Outlook, enter its name in the Folder field 
          1. If left blank, only the Inbox will be monitored
          2. If using a sub folder, the folder path must be entered here, for example, Inbox/Endpoint
    8. Select your Client Token Configuration
    9.  Apply the changes
    10. Next to Status, click  Authenticate Email Account to perform the authentication process which provides access to your Microsoft account
    11. Hover over  More Options and select  Test Configuration

Google Account


Email Host's Application Configuration

  1. Configure the application in Azure, Google Developer or similar
    1. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/legacy-protocols/how-to-authenticate-an-imap-pop-smtp-application-by-using-oauth
    2. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/connect-gmail-oauth2
  2. Configuration parameters
  3. The application type is Web
  4. The redirect URL is yourPhixFlowInstance/receiveTokenAuthentication.htm
    1. For example, http://phixflowhost.com/phixflow/receiveTokenAuthentication.htm

Client Token Configuration in PhixFlow

  1. Open the  Full Repository and find the Client Token Configuration, then create a new one
    1. Or, this can be done from the application's repository
  2. To allow a user to authenticate, choose the User flow
  3. Set the Client ID to the value obtained from Azure/Google
    1. You may require assistance from your IT Team for this
  4. Set the Client Secret to the value obtained from Azure/Google
  5. Set the Auth URL to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?prompt=&access_type=offline
    1. For tokens to auto renew set access_type=offline as a parameter in the URL
    2. Set the Token URL to https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
    3. Set the Scopes to https://mail.google.com/

Google only sends a refresh token on the first authentication. If a refresh token is not received, the connection from Google must be deleted and authenticated again.

Create an Email Account in PhixFlow

  1. Create an Email Account in the application's repository
  2. Set a Name which you'll use to identify the email account, e.g. Customer Service
  3. Toggle on Enabled
  4. Set the Type to Inbound or Outbound, depending on your requirements
  5. Set Host to imap.gmail.com
  6. Set the Protocol to IMAP
  7. Set Authorisation Type to OAuth2
  8. Select your Client Token Configuration
  9. Click Authenticate Email Account to perform the authentication process which provides access to your Google account
    1. POP, IMAP, and SMTP settings for Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
    2. For POP Outlook add to the properties mail.pop3s.auth.xoauth2.two.line.authentication.format=true



Here are some suggestions for troubleshooting.

Is the email account being polled?

  • Check the System Console. When the email address is being polled it will show in the Completed Tasks

What does the error message, "Id is malformed" mean?

  • Check the Folder value and ensure this is directing to the right location in the email account. If a sub folder is being used, the values should be folderName/subFolderName

What does it mean if the error message, "AUTHENTICATE failed" shows when the Email Account is displaying AUTHENTICATED?

  • Check your Email Account setup matches the above settings
    • For example, for a Microsoft account, ensure the Protocol is set to Microsoft and the Authorisation Type is set to OAuth 2

Need more information on any errors you are experiencing?

  • Download the Phixflow.log log files from  Administration →  Download Log Files, then enter phixflow.log in the Log files to Download field

If you need any further help, speak to our support team by using:

  •   Support Centre
  • Contact PhixFlow

These options are available in  Design Mode under the  Administration menu in the top right of PhixFlow.

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