This page is for application designers. It describes the properties of a component. It also lists the popup menu options for components.
Components are the building blocks of screens. For information about the different types of component and how they can be combined into layouts, see Screen Structure.
Each component has the following properties. Some properties are only available for some types of component.
name | _parentDetails |
Basic Settings
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Enter the name of the component. The names for some components do not support spaces such as form fields and card components. |
Available for input fields. Read-only.
Use this mapping name if you need to map this component in context parameters, drop-downs and expressions.
Once the form is backed by a table, changing the name of the Table Attributes does not affect the Mapping Name, so there is no need to alter existing expressions after the name change.
Available for drop-down and fixed drop-down components.
Available for drop-down and fixed drop-down components..
Available for button components. PhixFlow displays the name for the parent component.
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Facilitates the aggregation of the values held in a data backed components. See Aggregate Functions. For example, sum the value for InvoiceAmount across all records to give a total. |
The following options relate to actions.
Note |
For new applications created in PhixFlow version 9.0 or later, we recommend you use new actionflows for configuring actions.
For applications created in version 8.3 and earlier, we recommend that you continue to use table-actions combined with either an Action Type or an Action, not both.
If you specify both, the Action Type overwrites the type of the first record-action rule that is configured in the action properties. The rest of the record-action rule configuration remains the same. For example:
When the user clicks the button, PhixFlow runs the record-action rules in turn, but runs the actions:
Only the first insert record-action rule type is replaced by the update type specified in the Action Type. |
Action Method or
Double-click Action
Action Method is available for buttons. Double-click Action is available for grid views and cards.
Select whether or not an action runs when the user clicks the button or grid.
- No Action
- Table-Action: use when maintaining applications created in PhixFlow version 8.3 or earlier.
- Actionflow: new in PhixFlow version 9.0.0. Use for new applications; see Creating Actionflows.
- Other: allows an Action Type to be selected, see below.
Available for buttons.
Select one of the following action types that will run when the user clicks the button.
- None
- Insert: adds a new record to the table
- Update: updates a record
- General
- Delete: deletes a record
- Clear All Fields: clears content from all form fields on the parent form
- Close Screen: closes the parent screen
- Maximise/Minimise Screen: toggles the screen between minimised and its default size.
- Confirmation:
- Screenshot:
Alternatively, use the Action field to specify a table-action in which you can configure more details.
Available when Action Method is Table-Action.
Select the action to run when a user clicks the button or double-clicks a grid view or card. The list shows:
- if your application is not loaded: a list of applications. Select the application on which you are working to see the available tables.
- if your application is loaded: a list of tables.
Select a table to see the list of actions associated with the table.
Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Table-Action.
Select an action to run when a grid row or card is double-clicked
Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Table-Action or Actionflow.
Select or add a drag type to use when the user drags a grid row or card; see Drag Types and Drop Targets.
Available when Action Method is Actionflow. Click:
- if your application is not loaded: scroll down the list of applications to find the application on which you are working and its actionflows.
- if your application is loaded: a list of actionflows in your application.
Available for container components:
- form
- area
Also available for basic layouts:
- tab header
- tab display area
- labelled number field
- labelled date field
- labelled date-time field
- labelled drop-down field
- labelled true/false field.
Specify the number of pixels that the component can grow or shrink when resizing in response to changes to the screen size.
It can be useful to group components together, such as a dynamic text field and the static text field that acts as its label. To do this,
- Create a component to act as the container, for example an area.
- Add the components you want to treat as a single component.
- Tick this option for each of the components within the container.
PhixFlow then treats the container and the components it contains, as a single, composite component. In a screen, when you select or drag a component, such as a text field, PhixFlow selects or moves the whole composite component.
Tip |
To select a component that is part of a composite component:
Available for container components:
- areas
- forms
- card containers.
This property relates to configuring preferred parents for components; see Component Categories and Preferred Parents.
Select a layout category to indicate the part of a screen that this component represents, such as a header, navigation, button-bar or footer. You can also add a new layout category. Layout categories are listed in the repository.
For other components and layouts, the property tab includes a Preferred Parent Categories section. Use this to select the layout categories that are suitable locations to drop a component. For example, a button could have button-bars as their preferred parent. When you drag a component or layout from the palette, PhixFlow can highlight parts of the screen where you can drop.
Available for card containers and forms.
The name of the table or view bound to the form or card container.
For a card container, you can drag a table or view from the repository into this property to bind data.
Available for static text fields.
Enter the text you want to display on the component. By default this field is an expression editor. For options to format the display text as HTML, tick Use HTML Formatting.
Available for static text fields.
Available for data field components:
- true/false field
- date field
- date-time field
- number field
- string field
- dynamic text.
Select or enter a value to display in the field. PhixFlow uses this value if:
- an action opens the screen to which this component belongs
- and there are no context parameters or form mappings to populate this field.
Available for the data field components:
- date field
- date-time field
- dynamic text
- drop-down
- static drop-down
Select the format in which to display the date or date time value.
Available for the data field components:
- number field
- dynamic text
- drop-down
- static drop-down
Select the format in which to display the number value.
The list of Number Formats is populated from the formats defined for your:
- PhixFlow instance
- your application's theme
- your application.
Available for dynamic text, drop-down and static drop-down components.
Select one of the data types:
- String
- Integer
- Float
- Date
- Datetime
The data type determines how the selected data will be formatted.
- Integer or Float must have a number format
- Date or Datetime must have a date-time format.
Available for dynamic text components.
Enter the number of decimal places to display for numbers.
Available for URL display components.
Specify the URL that you want to be displayed.
Note: URL components function in a similar way to form fields. This means they can be backed by an attribute in a table and the values will be displayed in the Record Details.
Available for URL display components.
Enter an expression which, if true, determines the URL.
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