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to specify a date range... number-number
to specify a range of days, for example:L
,#number, demon the demon the email demon process until has passed Expression to PhixFlow Expression to for This users who will be notified with the results of the This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and rolesrolesThe grid contains a list of user groups assigned to this role. To add a user group to the list:
Click rolesroles list all the user groups in the repository.This section contains the additional button - this will bring up the list of users in PhixFlow. Drags users into this list to add them as an email recipient.
Doing this will add the users with a blank notification rule, which means that the users will get an email every time this task plan runs. Edit the users in the list to update the notification rule, or add users manually using the button. For each user notification rule configure the following settings:
A list of the users that will be notified with the results of the task plan.
This section contains the additional button - this will bring up the list of users in PhixFlow. Drags users into this list to add them as an email recipient.
Doing this will add the users with a blank notification rule, which means that the users will get an email every time this task plan runs. Edit the users in the list to update the notification rule, or add users manually using the button. For each user notification rule configure the following settings:
Choose one of:
- To
- Cc
- Bcc
An Expression which governs whether the recipient will receive the email generated by the Task Plan on completion. The internal variables _errors, _warnings, _messages and _suspended can be used in the User Notification Expression.
In particular, the _suspended variable can be used to send an email to a recipient only if a Task in the Task Plan failed - leading to the Task Plan being suspended. While a Task Plan is suspended, no further emails will be sent even if the Task Plan is scheduled to run.
Further, using the _errors variable, this expression can be set up so that a recipient is sent an email only if there are more than a certain number of error messages.