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| _Banners |
| _Banners |
name | administration |
nopanel | true |
Active DirectoryAccess is controlled by user groups assigned to the user in PhixFlow Active Directory/SAML Tip |
If you use an external login system (Active Directory/SAML), you must create accounts with the same username in PhixFlow. However, you do not need to set any password Integration task bar at the bottom of the PhixFlow window the List a role addaddUser Properties
standardsettingsstandardsettings Info |
Some users need to run analysis on models that include database export. When the datasource has the option Use User credentials on export ticked, PhixFlow automatically logs into the database using the user's:
the Basic Settings → Login Nameand Basic Settings → Password.System configurationSystem configuration | Default Dashboard | Select a dashboard that PhixFlow will display when the user logs in. |
Default Application | Select an application that PhixFlow will load when the user logs in. Users can override the default by specifying an alternative application in the URL that they use to access PhixFlow. |
Email Address | Enter an email address for the usertickedticked or security questionstickedtickedpassword policytickedticked there have been too many failed attempts to answer the security questions and password policy.Send Alerts by SMS | PhixFlow models or applications may be configured to send SMS messages to users Insert excerpt |
_check_box_ticked | _check_box_ticked | nopanel | true |
to allow PhixFlow to send SMS alerts to this user's Phone Number. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
to prevent PhixFlow from sending SMS alerts to this user.Send Alerts by Email | PhixFlow models or applications may be configured to send emails to users.
Insert excerpt |
_check_box_ticked | _check_box_ticked | nopanel | true |
to allow PhixFlow to send emails to this user's Email Address. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
to prevent PhixFlow from sending emails to this user.tickedticked the PhixFlow help pages tickedtickedThis section has a toolbar with standard buttons and Insert excerpt |
_user_group | _user_group | nopanel | true |
. for details Security Questions
This section is only available for local users. Enter 3 questions and answers. If a user needs to reset their password, PhixFlow asks one of the questions to verify the user's identity; see Password Reset.
Field | Description |
Question 1 | To configure security questions and answers:
Either enter the security question-answer pairs for the userOr leave these fields blank and ask the user to set their own via their User Details. These property fields will be automatically updated. Tip |
You can save the user properties without specifying any of the security questions and answers. However, once you have added a question and answer for one, you must complete them all before saving the user properties. |
Answer 1 |
Question 2 |
Answer 2 |
Question 3 |
Answer 3 |
Last requested reset time | PhixFlow displays the date/time of the last password reset. |
Export Password → Export Password Not Settickedticked not . , even if the password field is left empty.This field is available when Not Set is not