How to Load and Use an Image
You can add your own images so that your applications can display company logos and banner backgrounds.
To add an image:
- Go to the repository → Application → Images.
- Right-click and select Create New . PhixFlow opens an image property tab, where you can upload the image.
- Click . Apply and Close
To use an image:
- Open the layout properties for the component in which you want to use an image.
- In Style Settings → Background Image, select the image from the drop-down list; see Layout → Background Image.
The drop-down list includes all images available in the full repository. To see the images uploaded to the repository for the current application, click . List Images Set other options for the image, see Layout → Style Settings.
By default, PhixFlow will repeat a small image or icon to fill the available background space. To use a small image as a single icon, change Background Repeat to no-repeat.
- Click . Apply and Close
To use an image as an icon to represent the component in a palette:
- Open the layout properties for the component in which you want to use an image.
- In Advanced → Internal Icon Source, select the image from the drop-down list; see Layout → Internal Icon Source for details.
- Click . Apply and Close
The maximum image size that PhixFlow can manage depends on the way your servers and Tomcat are configured. If you have problems uploading large files, see Configuring Large Image Upload.
For information about how to use an image stored on the PhixFlow server, see Using a URL to Display an Image.
Image Sizing
Use the CSS Properties to size an image. For a background image, the background-size can be:
- auto – the background image is displayed in its original size
- length – e.g. 20px 20px. Sets the width and height of the background image. The first value sets the width, the second value sets the height. If only one value is given, the second is set to 'auto'
- percentage – e.g. 100%. Sets the width and height of the background image in percent of the parent component. The first value sets the width, the second value sets the height. If only one value is given, the second is set to 'auto'
- cover – Resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off.
- contain – resizes the background image to make sure the image is fully visible
- initial – sets this property to its default value
- inherit – inherits this property from its parent component.
Getting an image to display correctly is a process of trial and error. The exact settings depend on the image size and how you want it to appear in your application. We recommend that you aim to make the image responsive on different screens using the options percentage, cover or contain. However, this can be ignored if you know your image will only be used in one form factor and you are having problems with it becoming distorted.
Here are some possible locations for images, and suggestions for which options to use to control the image size.
Image location | backbround-size option to use | Details |
Area Background | contain | The image fills the area background. |
Grid Background | - | You cannot have an entire background for a grid. |
Application Logo in the menu | - | This defaultes to 64px 64px and cannot be configured. We recommend you use square images. |
Grid Buttons and Icons | length or contain | Depending on the image, contain will fill the grid cell, but you cannot add padding. As grids are fixed widths and heights, you can use a fixed width to ensure the image displays correctly on different screens. Remember to apply the following Style properties:
Using 100% for the width and height ensures a button or icon fills the whole cell. This is good practice for action buttons, so that the user can click anywhere in the cell to trigger an action. |
Company Logo | - | This defaults to a height of 25px. It resizes horizontally to fill the available space. |
Company Logo | - | This defaults to a height of 100px. It resizes fit the size of the .svg image file. |
Buttons | length | Buttons usually have a fixed height. To ensure the button has the correct proportions, use a fixed length or width. |
Mouse-over buttons | length | Use the same background size and position settings as the original image. When a user moves their mouse pointer over, the image overlays the underlying image. You may need to add a background colour to the image, to ensure it covers the underlying image.