Function: toJson()
Converts an object, such as an array or JSON string, to JSON.
The returned JSON has the following syntax:
Objects are enclosed in curly brackets, or braces ( { } )
An object's key-value pairs are separated by a comma ( , )
The key and value in a pair are separated by a colon ( : )
Keys in an object are strings, whereas values may be a string, number, object, array, true, false, or null, including another object or an array
Arrays are enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] )
An array's values are separated by a comma ( , )
Each value in an array may be of a different type, including another array or an object
When objects and arrays contain other objects or arrays, the data has a tree-like structure
The data being converted:
CompanyID | CompanyName | Industry |
108 | Romaguera Inc | Manufacturing |
112 | Becker and Sons | Manufacturing |
398 | Larson Inc | Manufacturing |
Example 1
Returns JSON containing an array of objects. Each object contains 3 key-value pairs.
{ "getCo" : [ { "CompanyID" : 108, "CompanyName" : "Romaguera Inc", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, { "CompanyID" : 112, "CompanyName" : "Becker and Sons", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, { "CompanyID" : 398, "CompanyName" : "Larson Inc", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" } ] }
Example 2
{ forEach( $company, toJson(getCo).getCo, $company.CompanyName : $company ) }
Returns JSON containing a list of key-value pairs in curly brackets.
{ "Romaguera Inc" : { "CompanyID" : 108, "CompanyName" : "Romaguera Inc", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, "Becker and Sons" : { "CompanyID" : 112, "CompanyName" : "Becker and Sons", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, "Larson Inc" : { "CompanyID" : 398, "CompanyName" : "Larson Inc", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" } }
Example 3
{ forEach( $company, toJson(getCo).getCo, $company.CompanyName : $company.CompanyID ) }
Returns JSON containing a key-value pair of the CompanyName mapped to CompanyID
{ "Romaguera Inc" : 108, "Becker and Sons" : 112, "Larson Inc" : 398 }
Example 4
{ forEach( $company, toJson(getCo).getCo, $company.CompanyName : {$company,"CompanyName":toUpper($company.CompanyName)} ) }
Returns JSON containing the $company object, where the CompanyName field has been overwritten by an uppercase value.
{ "Romaguera Inc" : { "CompanyID" : 108, "CompanyName" : "ROMAGUERA INC", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, "Becker and Sons" : { "CompanyID" : 112, "CompanyName" : "BECKER AND SONS", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" }, "Larson Inc" : { "CompanyID" : 398, "CompanyName" : "LARSON INC", "Industry" : "Manufacturing" } }