There are a number of ways to quickly create test data in PhixFlow, which can be manually edited and added to.
Creating an Editable Grid
Data can be manually added or updated using a simple Screen setup.
Create a table
On an ERD, create a new table (does it have to be a blank ERD or can it be an existing ERD? Can it be a table from the repository/imported in?) by dragging Table from the toolbar
PhixFlow automatically creates the following attributes for the new table:
Primary key: UID
Display Name: Name
To create new attributes for the data you wish to test with, click Add on the table, and give your attributes appropriate names
Create a Screen
To create a screen, click on your table and choose Create Screen
On the Create Screen wizard, enter the following:
Name: give your screen an appropriate name
Open Maximised: toggle
Description: give your screen an appropriate description to indicate its purpose
Template: choose Edit Form
Click Create Screen
To select the attributes you wish to see on your screen, select Attributes in the toolbar
Click the tickbox next to the attributes and drag them onto your screen
PhixFlow will ask how you would like the attributes to be displayed, choose Grid
PhixFlow will ask if you would like to add action, choose Yes
On the Grid Actions wizard, drag Delete Selected Records onto the Delete button on your screen
Close the Available Attribute and Grid Actions wizards
Click on your grid on your screen to highlight it in the Layers panel on the left within the Body
The View Component Properties will show on the right