Welcome to Screens Fundamentals. In this chapter, we will learn about all the key techniques and principles for creating screens in our application.
To find out more about the key concepts for designing and creating screens before you take the course below, or simply to refresh your memory, see Designing Screens.
Video Demonstration
Watch the video demonstration, then complete the Fundamentals Tasks below.
Fundamentals Tasks
Complete the tasks below, before moving to the next chapter.
Task 1: Create your First Screen from an ERD
- Open your ERD and on the Companies table, click
- Choose Create Screen
- In the Create Screen pop up box:
- Enter the name
Companies List
for your new screen - Leave Open Maximised toggled on - this allows the screen to take up all of the available space
- Leave All Users can View Data toggled on - this allows all of your app users to view your screen
- Enter a short Description (optional)
- Choose
Tile with Buttons
from the Templates, - this template already contains the buttons for add, edit and delete, and can be edited to suit - Click Create Screen
- Enter the name
- On the Available Attributes selector, select all of the attributes by clicking the top tick box, then deselect the attributes, Status, UpdatedTime and UpdatedByName
- Click and drag the Attributes onto the screen
- A pop up box will show asking how the attributes should be displayed - select Grid
A further pop box will shows asking if you would like to create an associated edit screen - select Yes
Task 2: Configure the Input Screen
- On the Grid Actions wizard, select the to create a new edit screen
In the Create Screen for Edit form pop up box:
- Enter the name
Companies Form
for your new screen - Toggle off Open Maximised
- Leave All Users can View Data toggled on
- Enter a short Description (optional)
- Choose the Template,
Edit Form
- Click Create Screen
- Enter the name
- Back on the Grid Actions wizard, set up the Preconfigured Actions as follows:
- Drag Open Screen to ADD new records onto the Add button under your grid
- Drag Open Screen to EDIT selected records:
- onto the Edit button under your grid
- onto the grid - this allows users to edit a record using a double click
- Drag Delete selected records onto the Delete button under your grid
- Close the Grid Actions wizard and Available Attributes selector
Task 3: Configure the Edit Form
- Lock the Companies List screen
- Select any record on the grid and click the Edit button
- The Edit Form screen you created in Task 2 will open
- Unlock this screen by right-clicking and pressing Unlock
- As PhixFlow knows this screen is backed by the Companies table, click on the Attributes button in the toolbar
- From the Available Attributes selector, select all of the attributes by clicking the top tick box, then deselect the attributes, Status, UpdatedTime and UpdatedByName
- Click and drag the attributes onto the Companies Form screen
- A pop up box will show asking how the attributes should be displayed - select Field
- A further pop box will shows asking if you would like to create save and delete actions - select Yes
- On the Form Actions wizard, set up the Preconfigured Actions as follows:
- Drag Save Record onto the Save button on the footer of your Companies Form screen
- Drag Delete Record onto the Delete button
- Close the Form Actions wizard and Available Attributes selector
- Reorder the fields by:
- clicking on the field and drag it to the desired location
- clicking on the attribute name in the Layers and drag it to the desired location
- Change the template of the Web field by right-clicking on the field and selecting Change Template
- On the Select Template window, choose the URL option in the Form Field Templates section, and click Select Template
Task 4: Add Validation
- Set any validation, such as mandatory fields or restricting certain fields to specific characters, by selecting the Company Name field twice to ensure the inner field is selected - to check the inner field has been selected, the Properties window on the right should show CompanyName String Field at the top
- On the Properties, scroll down the section, Validation
- Tick the Mandatory box and toggle it on
- Tick the Validation Type box and choose Alpha Numerics - Extended from the drop down
- the changes
Task 5: Setup Header and Screen Position
- Click on the header, Header 1 Dynamic, and in the Properties on the right, change the Default Value to
Company Details
- Apply the changes
- To see this change, close and reopen the Companies Form screen
- To reopen the screen, double click any record in the grid on the Companies List screen
- Unlock the Companies Form screen
- To change the positioning of the screen, select Properties in the toolbar
- On the Styles tab, make the following changes:
- Width =
- Height =
- Top =
- Right =
- Width =
- Apply the changes and close the Companies Form screen
- Close and reopen the screen if the changes do not show
What do these values mean?
The values for Width and Height define that the width of the screen should be 400px and the height should take up 100% of the available space - this will be responsive to the screen size of the user.
The values of 0 for Top and Left define the distance from these elements, e.g. the screen will be 0px from the top and left.
Task 6: Add Tiles to the Screen
- On the Companies List screen, Unlock the screen
- Open the Palette using the option in the toolbar
- Expand the Tiles - Additional section, and drag the Double - Row tile onto the grid
Task 7: Add a Contacts Card
- Click on the Palette tab and expand the Card Containers section
- Click and drag the Contacts card container onto the top tile
- Enter the Name,
- Enter the Name,
- Click on the Employees card container to open its Properties tab on the right
- Within the Basic Settings, click the drop down under Table
- Choose the Employees table
- Apply the changes
- On the Employees Card Container, right-click on First Name and select Add Backing Attribute
- In the Available Attributes selector, tick first_name and click Add
- On the Employees Card Container, right-click on Last Name and select Add Backing Attribute
- In the Available Attributes selector, tick last_name and click Add
- On the Employees Card Container, right-click on Role and select Add Backing Attribute
- In the Available Attributes selector, tick Role and click Add
- Lock the screen to see all of the cards in the card container
Task 8: Add a Background Filter
- Unlock the screen
- Click and drag the attribute name (column header) Company ID from the grid and drop it onto the Employees card container
- A pop up box will ask if you want to create a background filter - select Yes
- This background filter will ensure that when clicking on a record in the grid, only the employees relevant to that company will show on the contacts card
Task 9: Add a Map
- Open the Palette using the option on the toolbar
- Expand the Maps section, and drag the Map onto the bottom blank tile on the screen
- Enter the Name,
- Enter the Name,
Task 10: Add a Collapsible Tile (Optional)
- In the Palette expand the Tiles section, and drag the Collapsible (Horizontal) tile and drop it to the left side of the grid
- Enter the Name,
, and click Confirm
- Enter the Name,
- Drag the tile on the screen to the desired location
- Lock the screen and click the chevron on the tile to open up the collapsible area
- Unlock the screen
- Open the palette and in the Basic Layouts section, click and drag the Area - Split H onto the collapsible tile
- Name it,
and click Confirm
- Name it,
- Click on Header 1 and in the Properties on the right, change the Default Value to
- Apply your changes
- Pie chart and bar charts can be added to the tile, as required, see Creating Dashboards and Reports
Task 11: Screen Styling
- On the Companies List screen:
- click on Header 1 Dynamic and change the Default Value in the Properties to
- click on the Employees card container and change the Default Value in the Properties to
- click on Header 1 Dynamic and change the Default Value in the Properties to
- Make the centre tile larger by clicking on Tile in the Layers
- On the Styles tab on the right, in the Style Settings section, tick the Width box and enter
into the box - Apply the changes
Further Reading (optional)
For more information on the topics covered in this chapter, see the below links.