If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.
Basic Settings
The name for the ERD.
We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.
Audit Tab
Audit Summary
See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.
Toolbars and Popup Menus
ERD Toolbar
The toolbar is at the top of the canvas. Hover your mouse pointer over the toolbar to see a tooltip.
To create a new table, drag the icon from the toolbar onto the canvas.
To add an existing table, click to list the tables available in the repository. Drag a table from the list into the ERD canvas.
Create a new application screen using data from the selected table.
In the Create Screen window:
Name: Enter a name for the screen
Open Maximised: Tick for a maximised screen. Untick for a pop-up screen.
Description: Optionally enter a description for the screen.
Open the help topic with details about working with ERDs.
Arrange Selected Items
Options to arrange the selected tables in the ERD:
Align to Grid
Align Objects to Left
Align Objects to Right
Align Objects to Top
Align to base
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_distribute_horizontal'.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_distribute_vertical'.
Open the properties tab for the ERD.
Zoom Out
Zoom out to see more of the diagram, with smaller text.
Zoom In
Zoom in to see a smaller area of the diagram, with larger text.
PhixFlow automatically saves changes to tables and relationships. Use this icon to save diagram layout changes to the ERD.
Update the ERD to the last saved diagram layout. This clears any unsaved layout changes. Your ERD should automatically show an changes elsewhere in PhixFlow. For example, if someone adds a new attribute to a table in your ERD, the attribute will appear on the list. If changes are not appearing, click this icon.
Table Pop-up Menu
To access more options in a pop-up menu, in the table header, click More Options
Open the properties for this table to make changes.
Remove the selected item(s) from the diagram.
Show many-to-one relations
Tables may have relationships to other tables not represented on the current ERD. Use these options to add all related tables to your ERD so that you can see the full relationship set; see Show Relationships From Other ERDs , above.
Show one-to-many relations
Delete the selected item(s) from the ERD and from everywhere it is used.
Show or Hide Attributes
Toggle the tables between expanded to show all attributes or collapsed to show only the table name, primary key and any foreign keys. This is useful if your table contains many attributes.
Create a new application screen using data from the selected table.
Attribute Pop-up Menu
Make/Unset Primary Key
Make: set the current attribute to be a primary key. A table can have only one primary key.
Unset: unset this attribute so it is no longer the primary key for the table.
Make/Unset Foreign Key
Make: set an attribute to be a foreign key.
Unset: unset this attribute so it is no longer a foreign key.
Unset/Make Display Name
Make: set an attribute to be the display name for the primary key
Unset: unset this attribute so it is no longer the display name for the primary key.
Add Attribute
Create a new attribute for the table. PhixFlow opens the properties where you can add a name and set the data type.
Delete Attribute
Delete the attribute from the table. PhixFlow prompts you to confirm.