Use the Email action node to send emails to specified addresses;
Properties Tab
Basic Settings
All fields can be either literal values or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example ${in.MyValue}.
Name: Name given to the Email Action Node. This will be displayed on the actionflow canvas.
From: the email address the email will be sent from. This should match the email address specified as the login email in your Outbound Emailer, see Email Account.
To: the email address(es) the email will be sent to. Multiple addresses must be comma separated, if an expression evaluates to a list of email addresses then this will be converted automatically to the correct format.
CC: the cc email addresses. Provided as a comma-separated list if multiple values are required, if an expression evaluates to a list then this will be converted automatically to the correct format. This is an optional field.
BCC: the cc email addresses. Provided as a comma-separated list if multiple values are required, if an expression evaluates to a list then this will be converted automatically to the correct format. This is an optional field.
Subject: the email's subject.
Message: the content of the email. This can accept text direct as an input as well as
is HTML: defines whether to treat the email as HTML or plain text. The default setting is plain text, indicated by the toggle being switched off.