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On this page we state the minimum requirements for a MySQL installation to support PhixFlow, and present an example installation.
The example installation incorporates the minimum requirements for MySQL. It is suitable as an initial configuration for many instances of PhixFlow, but note that some of the options may need to change over time as the work carried out by PhixFlow increases.
Ensure that the data directory being used has sufficient space for the initial period of PhixFlow operation.
The [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
The [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
The [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
28800 is the default, but some installation processes set this to a much lower value.
The following parameters can also optionally be set:
The [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
This setting is needed because PhixFlow's migration scripts sometimes require the use of non-deterministic functions. If you do not set this, then at some point you may encounter an upgrade where you are required to turn this setting on for the duration of the upgrade - this will be noted in the Special Upgrade Instructions .
The [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
This setting requires that all client connections are encrypted.
If you add all parameters above to my.cnf, including the optional parameters, then the [mysqld] section of your my.cnf file should look something like this:
The following settings are required for the PhixFlow database. All of these parameters are reflected in the example MySQL database creation command given here: Install the PhixFlow Database Schema.
You will need a database, and a login with all privileges on that database. The database should be created with the following options:
Example installation
The following configuration is suggested as a guide. It incorporates the minimum requirements for MySQL databases above.
It is based on an installation of MySQL Community Edition on the Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Installation on other distributions of Linux will follow a very similar pattern. For Debian-based distributions, many of the commands will be identical. For RHEL-based distributions, the commands will be similar, replacing apt with yum. However, in all cases, please check with in the MySQL documentation ( to check the exact details for installation on your platform.
For Ubuntu 22.04 and MySQL 8.0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install mysql-server
Set configuration
The command below sets the configuration you need to run PhixFlow. This creates a PhixFlow specific configuration file (/etc/mysql/conf.d/phixflow.cnf) which will be included by the main configuration file (/etc/mysql/my.cnf).
Check whether you have example configuration files included with your distribution under /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d - if you do, note that these may override settings you apply via other files.
To help determine a suitable innodb_buffer_pool_size, see here: MySQL Planning. This can be specified either with M (megabytes) or G (gigabytes).
Most cloud-native services (such as Amazon RDS for MySQL or Azure Database for MySQL) will require an encrypted database connection. To configure this, you will need the following settings:
require_secure_transport = 1 in the database (as described above)
useSSL=true in the database URL used by PhixFlow to connect to MySQL
However, there are scenarios in which a secure connection is not required - such as when MySQL and Tomcat are both installed on the same server. For this type of configuration to work, you will need the following settings:
require_secure_transport = 0 in the database
allowPublicKeyRetreival=true in the database URL used by PhixFlow to connect to MySQL
Switching to unix_socket authentication means there is no password for root, instead anybody with sudo access can log in using sudo mysql.
If the first option does not come up, respond to Set root password? with y instead. This should only happen if you're installing an old version of MySQL.
For Windows
Go to and select either download - mysql-installer-web-community-8.0.23.msi is recommended if you have a good internet connection, otherwise choose mysql-installer-community-8.0.23.msi. Note that both of these installation packages are 32-bit but can install either the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of MySQL.
At the next page you are invited to create an account but you do not have to - note the link No thanks, just start my download at the bottom of the page
Allow the download to complete and start the installation package
At Choosing a Setup Type, choose Server only
On the Type and Networking step, select the installation type as appropriate; leave other settings on this page (including networking settings) as default
Follow prompts to complete the installation, accepting defaults
This will include setting a root password - make sure you note this down
You may wish to turn off MySQL starting when you start your computer
Add mysql to path
It is useful to add the mysql command to the path
From Settings, open Environment Variables
Edit the System variable Path
Add the path C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
Save your changes
Now you can refer to the program mysql from a CMD or PowerShell window
Add PhixFlow settings
Apply PhixFlow settings in the file C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\my.ini. At a minimum apply settings listed in Install MySQL | Installation above. The following is an example configuration.
Example configuration
Add the following settings in the [mysqld] section of the file
Update the following settings, which should already be in the file:
innodb_buffer_pool_size to <INNODB BUFFER POOL SIZE>M OR <INNODB BUFFER POOL SIZE>G, e.g. for a development or test installation on a PC with 16 GB of memory, 1 GB; for full details, see MySQL Planning
table_open_cache to 2000
Note that the following settings are not mandatory for PhixFlow but are recommended; however, these are already set by default to PhixFlow’s recommended settings (i.e. you do not need to do anything to apply these)
Once you have updated this file, restart MySQL via services to pick up these settings.
If you want to access your database from another server, open your firewall for inbound TCP connections to your server's port (default port is 3306).
Add admin users
You could now use the root user for everything, but it is better practice from a security viewpoint to create individual users with their own passwords. Also, by default, the root user doesn't allow remote access.