MS SQL Server Planning

MS SQL Server Planning

Publishing space

To ensure that PhixFlow can publish data changes, its database must have enough space to hold a copy of the largest table. For SQL Server, this space is in the temporary file group.


Tuning MS SQL Server for optimum performance is a potentially complex task. However, in general, because PhixFlow uses simple statements to perform its operations, you can rely in most cases on a few settings to make use of available resources on the database server.

Memory settings

Microsoft do not recommend setting a fixed maximum memory: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/server-memory-server-configuration-options?view=sql-server-ver15

Indicative sizings for DB servers are given here: Server Specification. Therefore, the server sizings give a broad indication of the memory requirements for MS SQL Server, allowing for head room for the operating system and other processes that must also run on the server, but in most cases you should not need to make any changes to the database configuration.

Indicative sizings

Indicative sizings of disks required for an MS SQL Server installation are given here. For a large installation, please discuss with your PhixFlow implementation team or with PhixFlow support.







Book disk

40 GB

100 GB

Temp disk

20 GB

50 GB

Disk 1 - data files

100 GB

500 GB

Disk 2 - transaction logs (depends on chosen recovery model, see Backup )

Recovery model Simple: 5 GB

Recovery model Full: 20 GB

Recovery model Simple: 20 GB

Recovery model Full: 80 GB

Disk 3 - temp DB

20 GB

50 GB

Long term backup storage

(See Backup )

(See Backup )


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