Importing a Managed File

Importing a Managed File


PhixFlow can import files uploaded onto a server or shared location.

Automated Solution

  1. In the toolbar drag  File Collector onto the canvas.
  2. A properties window opens on the right, complete the details:
    1. Name, Set a name indicative of the file(s) being collected.
    2. Auto Configuration, Untick this to configure the file collector manually. To set the file up automatically see Importing Data From Excel.
    3. Enabled, Tick this to enable the 
    4. Source Type,
      1. When collecting files from a server select Specified Directory.
      2. When manually uploading files select Managed Files
    5. Number of Header Lines, Specifies where your column headers start. Typically this is 1 as your header is the first line, however if your file has other information above the headers these lines can be ignored by add the appropriate number here.
    6. File Type, See File Collector for all the options. Here we will specify Comma Separated Values.
    7. Allow Non-Scheduled Collection, Tick this is you want to be able to manually run this file collector outside of a schedule task. If you only want to run this file collector using a Scheduled Task, untick this option. 
    8. Tag, Available when Source Type field is Managed File. It is used as part of the collection directory path. PhixFlow collects files from a combination of:
      1. File Upload Directory, for example  C:\LoadedManagedFiles.
        1. This is specified in System Configuration.
      2. Tag, for example "MyFiles".
      3.  Input Directory - this is automatically set to "in" for managed files.
    9. Input Directory (Expr),
      1. When Source Type is Managed File, PhixFlow reads files from the combined path: File Upload Directory + Tag +in

      2. When Source Type is Specified Directory, a directory relative to the Import File Location will be used or, if Ignore Base Directory is ticked the full path to the file(s) will be required.

    10. Directory Pattern ExpressionEnter a regular expression to specify one or more relative paths from the Input Directory to its sub-directories. This is optional, but to look in all sub-directories use ".*"
    11. File Pattern ExpressionEnter a regular expression that will match one or more files in the Input Directory. To capture all files use ".*" or for a specific file type add the extension for example all csv files would be ".csv".
    12. Archive Directory Expression, is the location to which all files processed by the file collector will be moved.
    13. Error Directory Expression, is the location to which any files that cause an error during processing will be moved.
    14. Here is an example setup:

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