
Function: range()

Returns a list of numbers starting at from through to to, rising in increments of 1.

Two dots can also be used to represent the range function with the <from> value immediately before the dots and the <to> value immediately after, i.e. 1..10 is equivalent to range(1,10).


  1. range(from, to)
  2. from..to
fromNumberAny valid number
toNumberAny valid number greater than from




[ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ] 

forEach($i, 1..3,

   $value1 = $list1[$i],

   $value2 = $list2[$i],

   $value1 + $value2


The above script returns a list of the sum of the first 3 values of $list1 and $list2. So if $list1 is the list [4,6,9,8,17] and $list2 is the list [4,5,9,13,12] then the result will be [8,11,18].


  1. A range of 1..1, whether explicitly set or it resolves to this value in an expression, will throw an exception when it tries to run.
  2. A range of 1..0, whether explicitly set or it resolves to this value in an expression, will throw an exception when it tries to run.

See Also