


Use filters to display or work with a subset of data in a table.

To add a filter to the data in a table:

  1. In  the repository, expand the table.
  2. Right-click on Filters and  Create New  a new filter.

To add a filter to a view of the data in a table:

  1. In  the repository, expand the table.
  2. Expand the data view.
  3. Right-click on Filters and  Create New  a new filter.

PhixFlow displays the filter properties.

You can also apply filters on the data directly in a view on a screen; see Filters on Data Views.

For information about the properties toolbar, and about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties.  We recommend you always add a Description that explains the purpose of the item you are creating. 

For a full list of all the PhixFlow property tabs and windows, see Properties, Windows, Menus and Toolbars.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameEnter the name of the filter.

Available to users with the Create Public Filters privilege.

 Tick to make the filter available only to the user who created it. If this field is not visible to you, the filter is automatically private.

 Untick to make the filter available to other PhixFlow users.

Protect During Import

 Untick to allow the filter settings to be changed if this filter is imported from another PhixFlow instance. If the imported configuration does not include this filter, it will be deleted.

 Tick to retain the filter settings if this filter is imported from another PhixFlow instance. To prevent orphaned filters, when a parent table is deleted by the import, its filters are also deleted.

 More ...

When you have several instances of PhixFlow, for example development and production instances, you may want some item properties to be different for each instance. Usually, when you export from a source instance, then import to a target instance, PhixFlow overwrites item properties with those from the source instance. In the target instance, tick this box to prevent the current setting being overwritten by the source item.

Include History Records

 Tick to include superseded records in the filtered records

 Untick to automatically filter out superseded records.

Filter Details

To create a filter, add conditions and clauses.


Select one of the options

  • Where ALL...
  • Where ANY...

To add more conditions, click  Create New button.

Clause line

For each part of the clause line, select an option from the list. PhixFlow adds more fields where you can:

  • select how the filter matches (for example, equals, contains, is null)
  • enter a string that the filter uses to match the data. The string can be an expression or a literal string.

Click the icons:

  •  Delete to delete the selected clause or condition from the filter.
  •  Literal Value indicates the value entered is a literal value. Click this icon to treat the value as an expression.
  •  (Expression String) and a green border indicates the value entered is an expression, allowing autocomplete of fields and FunctionsClick this icon to treat the value to a literal string.
  •  Show field in a large editor to open a larger editor to enter a value or expression.
Case Sensitive

This field is only available for PhixFlow instances running on Oracle or MySQL.

 Tick so that, for PhixFlow instances running on Oracle or MySQL, the condition only matches strings that have the same capitalisation (case-sensitive).

 Untick so that the condition matches strings that have any capitalisation (case-insensitive). For example "abc" matches "abc", "Abc", "ABC", etc. For case-insensitive filters, there is no difference if the attribute is also indexed. 

Whether or not the check box is ticked by default depends on the underlying attribute property tab → Advanced section → Filter conditions are case-independent by default.

This option affects the behaviour of filters for PhixFlow instances running on Oracle or MySQL databases. 

For PhixFlow instances running on a SQLServer database, filters are always case-independent.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Security Tab

Access Permissions

See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section.

Sections on this page

  Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Designing Screens.

Terminology changes in progress

As part of the redesign of PhixFlow, we are changing the following terms:

dashboard → screen   
stream → table
stream attributes → attributes
stream item → record
stream set → recordset
stream view → view
stream item action → record-action 
stream action → table-action
driver class → database driver