11 Exporting data to databases
11 Exporting data to databases
- Chris Welford
- Anthony George
- Zoe Baldwin
- Fiona Sargeant (Unlicensed)
Owned by Chris Welford
By the end of this chapter you will be able to:
- Set up a database exporter
In this exercise you will create an export of the customer summary report, to a database table:
- In your Introduction to Modelling analysis model, add a new database exporter by hovering over the table Customer Summary by Region, and press Database Exporter.
- Give the new exporter the Name:
Customer Summary By Region
- Press Apply and Close.
- You will now see the new database exporter in the model.
- Save your model layout - click Save.
To complete the configuration of the database exporter:
- Click the Database Exporter in your model and toggle the flag Enabled to.
- Set the Datasource to CRM.
In the Statement Expression field, enter the query:
insert into DEST_CUST_SUMM_BY_REGION (REGION, TOTAL_LAST_BILL_AMT, AVG_LAST_BILL_AMT) Values ({Region}, {TotalLastBillAmount}, {AvgLastBillAmount})
Press Apply and Close.
Note that the pipe to the database exporter is dotted – this means that it is a Push pipe. When linking a table to a database exporter you must always use a push pipe. This is because you cannot run a database exporter on its own; it must always be driven from a table (otherwise, it has no data to process).
To test the database exporter, Run Analysis on the table Customer Summary by Region
- This is because the pipe you created to the database exporter is a push pipe, and so by running this table you will push data from the table to the exporter.
- Check the Administration → System Console - Your job will be at the top of the list in the Completed Tasks section - to see messages, double click this.
- Check the log messages for this job – in particular scroll to the end; you should see messages telling you that data has been exported by your database exporter.
- Then press Close on the System Console window.
Reviewing your exported data
You can review the data you have just exported using the PhixFlow schema browser:
- In your model, hover over the Customer Summary By Region Database Exporter.
- In the pop up toolbar press Show Inputs.
- The Datasource CRM will appear on your model view.
- Hover over the CRM Datasource icon
- In the popup press Show Tables.
- Find the table you exported to DEST_CUST_SUMM_BY_REGION
- Double-click on the table to bring up the table data - this is the data you just exported.
- In the model window, click Save.