Making a Card Container


Card Containers organise and display information, such asĀ text, images and buttons,Ā in a visually appealing and structured way. They work in a similar way to grids but offer greater visual flexibility.

Card containers are backed by a table and this is used to display the data using data backed components, such as form fields and dynamic text.

Card Containers do not require Views to present data. If a Card Containers already contains a View, once it has been removed, it cannot be reapplied.

How-to add a Card Container to a Screen

To prepare your screen we recommend adding a tile to hold the card container.

  1. In the Serene Grey palette, expand the Card Containers section
  2. Drag theĀ BasicĀ card container onto your screen in the desired location and give it a Name
  3. To set where the card container will get its information from, it must be backed by aĀ Ā  Table,Ā this then allows the Ā AttributesĀ from the table to be displayed
  4. Click on the card container on the canvas to openĀ itsĀ Ā  Properties tabĀ on the right
    1. Or click on the card container in the  LayersĀ section
  5. In the  Properties tab, under Basic Settings, click  Table, next to the Table drop-down box
  6. Drag aĀ table from the  RepositoryĀ into the TableĀ drop-down box, as illustrated below
    1. Ā 
  7. ClickĀ  Apply
  8. The card container now has access to all the data in the table

If you want to style your card containers and organise your information in a specific way then can use Areas to control the layout and add your Ā AttributesĀ into these areas. SeeĀ Screen Structure. We will also cover a styled example later on this page.

Display All Records

While inĀ Ā DesignĀ ModeĀ only one card will be shown in the card container. When the screen is Ā LockedĀ or in Application Mode, all records will be displayed.

Displaying Data in a Card

This is achieved by adding data backed components, such as form fields and dynamic text, and setting the attribute data they will display. When dragging attributes onto a card, they are displayed as dynamic text by default and the backing attribute is automatically set.

Adding Backing Attributes

  1. To display the table data, the dynamic text fields on the card need to be associated with attributes on the table - these are called Backing Attributes
  2. Right-click on card container on the canvas and selectĀ Ā Ā Add Attributes to componentĀ 
  3. In the Available Attributes selector that opens, drag the attribute(s) you wish to display onto the card container
    1. You can also add attributes viaĀ theĀ  LayersĀ byĀ adding form fields or dynamic text from the palette and then right-clicking the field and selectingĀ Ā Add Backing Attribute
    2. Or, you can right-click on card containerĀ and selectĀ  Show the Table Configuration, then drag attributes onto the card container
  4. The attributes will appear as Dynamic Text - use the  Styles tabĀ to change the appearance of the text, or seeĀ Changing or Creating a Palette
    1. If you want to change the Dynamic Text to a different palette item, right-click on it and selectĀ  Change Template

Changing Backing Attributes (Optional)

  1. If required, the backing attributes can be changed
  2. Right-click on the component and selectĀ Ā Change Backing Attribute
    1. You can also do thisĀ in the  Properties tab, underĀ Backing Attribute,Ā next to theĀ Table Attribute field, select theĀ Ā Change Backing AttributeĀ button

The Relational Attribute toggle indicates if the attribute is relational. SeeĀ Using Relational Views.

3. In the Available Attributes selector, either tick the attribute and select Add, or drag the attribute across into the Table Attribute field in the  Properties tabĀ 


Components display in the Ā LayersĀ and Ā Properties tabĀ with aĀ Ā icon to indicate the field is backed by an attribute, or aĀ Ā icon to indicate the field is not backed by an attribute.Ā Ā 

Linking Views to Filter Results

Card containers can be linked with other types of Views, using background filters, to dynamically changeĀ the information displayed on the card containerĀ depending on the records selected in the other View.Ā 

For example, on a screen with a grid of Companies and a card container of Employees, linking the content will ensure that only employees show on the card container that are associated with the selected company in the grid. SeeĀ 6. Linking Content on a Screen.

Using a Card Container Template - Contacts

In this example, we will add a Contacts Card ContainerĀ template from the Palette to a screen that will display employee contact information.

  1. In the Serene Grey palette, expand the Card Containers section
  2. Drag theĀ ContactsĀ card container onto your screen in the desired location and give it a Name
  3. Click on the card container to openĀ its  Properties tabĀ on the right
    1. Or click on the card container in the  LayersĀ section on the left
  4. To display the attributes from a  Table, in the  Properties tab, under Basic Settings, click  Table, next to the Table drop down box
  5. Drag aĀ table from the  RepositoryĀ into the TableĀ drop-down box as illustrated belowĀ 
  6. ClickĀ  Apply
  7. Add backing attributes by right-clicking on theĀ First NameĀ dynamic text field and selectingĀ Ā Add Backing Attribute
  8. In the Available Attributes selector that opens, tick first_name and click theĀ AddĀ button
    1. Ā 
    2. The field will now display this dataĀ on the screen
  9. Repeat these steps for theĀ LastNameĀ and Role dynamic text fields

The Contacts Card Container contains three buttons, which can haveĀ actions configured to perform specific activities, such as calling a phone number or sending an email. These rely on the hidden fields for email, telephoneĀ and mobile being backed by data, search Hidden in the layer section and back these attributesĀ with the appropriate fields.Ā 

Card Containers in Serene Grey 

The following Card Containers can be found in the Serene Grey palette.

Card TypeIconDescriptionExample Use


A standard card container with no styling that displays the content of each row of data on a backing table.

Content is displayed by adding fields or dynamic text to a card.


A card container with icon and button styling that displays the content of each row of data on a backing table.

Content is displayed by adding fields or dynamic text to a card.

Buttons can be configured to perform actions, such as calling a phone number or creating a new email.


A card container with button styling, displaying data from another table.

See 22. Exercises
Read Only

A card container that shows one card, displaying data from another table.


A card container that shows one card with an expandable area.

Use when there is extra data that does not require displaying.
Filter List 

A card container that displays an aggregate view to group repeated values to display as a list.

Users can then select records to filter an existing grid or card component.

Add next to an existing grid or card component to filter its content. Filter can be applied to the existing grid or card component to filter the records by the selected card.

A card container that displays a counter that can generate a total. It provides a circular card component that can be used to display a numeric value. This component requires a backing aggregate view that returns a single value in an attribute called "Count".

Labelled Counter

As above. Includes a label field.

Triple Counter

A card container that displays a counter that can generate 3 totals, with label fields. It provides 3 circular counters in a single card component that can be used to display numeric values.

This component requires a backing aggregate view that returns three total values. By default these are called "Count" but the names will need to be changed to display the values shown in the backing view.

Kanban Board 1

A card container that displays a basic Kanban board, designed to display the statuses of different tasks. 

Kanban Board 2

As above. Includes styling to display the cards as yellow sticky notes.

To see all of the features available in the Serene Grey palette, seeĀ Serene Grey Template Package.