Sizing Screen Content
Zoe Baldwin
Sizing Considerations
There are three considerations to sizing:
1. Size of the Display
Consider how the page will be viewed on different devices and how it should respond. We call this responsive design and use a combination of size and position to control this. The sizing details are covered on this page.
2. Size of Screen after Resizing
Does the entire screen fit on a display, or will the user need to scroll to see all of the screen content?
Fit to Available Space controls how the screen fits a display:
Description | Example |
Fit to available space is enabled = screen-centric and all content will be visible on a display. Content in this scenario will automatically resize to take up the available space. | |
Fit to available space is disabled = content-centric and the screen will resize to fit its content, not the display. It is advisable to set a Min Width/Height and Max Width/Height on these components/layouts to handle scenarios where there is either no data or the dataset is very large. |
3. Size of the Items on the Screen
To control the size of objects on a screen, we use:
- Relative Sizing: sets the size relative to other objects on the screen (recommended)
- Fixed Sizing: sets the objects to a specific size. This is typically only used for specific scenarios, such as, setting the size of a logo
Relative Sizing (Recommended)
Relative sizing sets the width and height of a component relative to other components, parent objects or its content.
Setting Sizing Relative to the Screen
All of the below options can be found on the Styles tab.
Description | Example |
Fit to available space and Stretch (see Sizing and Positioning Screen Content) are often used together to make content fill a screen. It is important to note the following:
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The components in the Serene Grey palette are designed to be responsive, however, you may wish to manipulate how they respond to better suit your requirements.
Fixed Sizing
Fixed sizing is used infrequently because it will not respond to the size of a screen or its content. This should be a consideration when using this sizing.
- To specify a fixed size in pixels, set a value in Style Settings → Width and Height
- This is useful for logos and icons
Conditional Sizing
We can utilise Formatting Rules to conditionally set the size of components and layouts on our screens. For example, if the display of a device is below a certain size we can hide elements on the screen to make the content more readable, such as, hiding columns in a grid. Another example is the Collapsible Horizontal tile available in the Serene Grey palette, this has a conditional option that expands and contracts the tile based on the user clicking a expand button.
Formatting rules can utilise the PhixFlow Functions to determine if the formatting rule(s) should be applied. The Internal Variables _screen and _client can be used by these functions to determine the screen size and device type a screen is being viewed on respectively.
Further Reading
- To set sizing settings as part of an app-wide shared style, see Screen Styling