Install the PhixFlow Database Schema


PhixFlow manages most of the process for schema installation and upgrade. A DBA, however, is required to configure the initial database user/schema that PhixFlow will use. PhixFlow manages its own tables and therefore requires being connected with a user with sufficient permissions to create and drop tables and indexes.

Create the database user

If you are  Database Administrator (DBA) and no database / login have previously been set up, you should use the following commands to create a new database / user.

Creating the database user is dependent on the database platform, and will often have to be varied to meet local requirements regarding naming and security. These example commands will be adequate basic installations.


Create the database user


This command will prompt for the name of the user to be created.

sqlplus SYS/SYSPassword@SID as SYSDBA @install/oracle/create_user

Sql Server:

Before creating the database, ensure that default collation is Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC_UTF8


If it is not, please talk to the database administrator to get this updated to the required collation (see also Install MS SQL Server).

This command creates a local (SQL Server) login, a user with required user mappings, sets the password for the login and creates the database.

sqlcmd -S localhost\myservice -i /install/sql_server/create_database_and_user.sql -v dbName="phixflow" dbLogin="phixflow" dbUser="phixflow" dbPassword="mypass"

Run the following command to confirm the collation setting is correct.


Connect to the database as root (or an administrator):

If you followed the suggested PhixFlow installation notes for installing MySQL, you will be using unix_socket authentication (see Install MySQL), and the command to log into the database as root is simply:

Create the user, supplying the name of the database, the user and the password in the commands below: