Standard CenterView Schema Installation

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Standard CenterView Schema Installation

Creating CenterView schema is straight forward and as easy as running installer.jar. Certain preconditions however must be met. The following describes the complete set of steps that are required:

  1. Create (or gave your DBA to do it for you) a database and database user. Follow this link in order to find out how, if you want to do it personally (without invloving DBA).
  2. Open command line and change your current directory into a directory wher your installer.jar is located.
  3. Execute command java -jar installer.jar -url=database_specific_url -user=username -pass=password -install -customer=customerName,
    database_specific_url will look as follows, depending on your platform and assuming your database server listens on default ports (otherwise adjust port numbers):
    a) Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:yourDatabasName
    b) Sql Server: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=yourDatabaseName;instance=YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME;
    c) MySQL/MariaDB: jdbc:mariadb://localhost/yourDatabaseName

The remaining installer options passed at the command line:

userUername validating access to your database.
passPassword validating access to your database.
installAn option specifying default installation.
install-from-fileAn option specifying installation from file.
customerThe name of the CenterView registered customer.


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