CenterView Help
Forms: Table Attributes
Table Attributes are the columns of an external Table.
Form: Table Details List
There are two forms of the Table Attribute list:
- Detailed list - Shows the attribute name plus other (database specific) details
- Simple list - Just shows the attribute names
In both cases the lists show all the attributes for the selected Table.
The list below gives the column headers returned for an Oracle database. See Oracle documentation for more details.
Field | Description |
TABLENAME | The name of the table. |
COLUMNID | Oracle's internal id for the column. |
COLUMNNAME | The name of the attribute |
DATATYPE | The Oracle data type. |
CHARLENGTH | For character types, the column length in characters (not necessarily the same as the length in bytes depending on character sets). |
DATAPRECISION | For numeric types, the data precision. |
DATASCALE | For numeric types, the data scale. |
NULLABLE | Set to "Y" if the column is nullable |
Table Attribute Actions
The following actions are possible from a Table Attribute list:
- Selecting several attributes and dragging onto a modelling pane creates a Database Collector which is linked to the original Datasource. The Collector will be set up to fetch just the selected columns and all the table data.
See Also
, multiple selections available,
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