PhixFlow Help


Forms: Email Account

The Email Account is an object which contains a configuration which is used by the PhixFlow during fetching and sending emails.

Form: Email Account Details

The following fields are configured on the Details tab:

HostThe host address of the configured email account.
PortThe port number of the configured email account.
ProtocolThe protocol used during the email fetching. (Visible only if this is an inbound account)
UsernameThe username used to log in onto the configured email account.
PasswordThe password used to log in onto the configured email account.

The folder which the emails will be fetched from. If left blank, the default inbox folder will be used. (Visible only if this is an inbound account)

(Collected emails are saved to FileUploadDirectory\default\in\YYYYMMDD\FolderName, where  FileUploadDirectory is the value specified in System Configuration Screen, YYYYMMDD is a folder created by the system for each day and FolderName is a system generated folder for each new message)

Polling Interval (sec)The interval (sec) of the email fetching from the account. If left blank, the value configured in the file will be used. (Visible only if this is an inbound account)
PropertiesThe 'key=value' list of the configured email account properties. Each pair should appear on a new line.
Test To:The address to which test emails will be sent. (Visible only if this is an outbound account)
Delete Read MessagesIf checked, emails will be deleted from the mail server after they are downloaded.
After ... DaysIf Delete Read Messages is checked, messages are delete from the server after this many days. If left empty or set to 0 messages are deleted immediately after they are downloaded

If checked, this is an outbound email account, used to send emails. There can only be one active outbound account at any one time.

If not checked, this in an inbound account, and is used to receive (download) emails.


If checked, this Email Account is active.

If this is an outbound account, it will be used to send emails whenever required.

If this is an inbound account, PhixFlow will connect to the server periodically (at the defined polling interval) and download new messages.

The Test Configuration button allows the user to test if the provided email configuration is correct.

Warning: The system will test values currently appearing on the screen. Remember to save the configuration after the test is successful.

The following field is configured on the Description tab:

DescriptionDescription of the Email Account

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons.

See Also

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