PhixFlow Help


Forms: Task Plan

A Task Plan is a collection of Tasks.

Tasks configured in a Task Plan can be:

Tasks are configured to run in a certain order in a Task Plans, and can be set up to run on a scheduled date at a scheduled time.

Form: Task Plan Details

NameThe name of the task plan.
EnabledWhen the task plan configuration is complete, tick this box to enable it for use.
ScheduledIf ticked, an extra tab will appear. This allows a regular schedule to be set up for the task plan.
Suspend on FailureIf ticked, the Suspended flag will be set to true if any error messages are generated by the Task Plan during execution.
SuspendedIf the field Suspend on Failure is ticked, if any error messages are generated when the Task Plan is executed this box will be ticked. The next time the Task Plan runs, if this flag is still ticked, it will simply generate a one line error message in the log file stating that it cannot run as it has been suspended. To un-suspend the Task Plan, untick the field.
DescriptionDescription of the task plan.

If the Scheduled option is ticked, the following details will become available to edit:

SecondsSeconds element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 0-59.
MinutesMinutes element of the scheduled date/time e.g. 0-59.
HoursHours element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 0-23.
Day of Month

Day of Month element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 1-31.

Day of Month can be specified relative to the end of the month e.g. 'L', the last day of the month, or 'L-2', two days before the last day of the month.

A day of month followed by a 'W' means the nearest week-day to that day in the same month e.g. '15W' means if the 15th falls on a Saturday the TaskPlan will run on the preceding Friday, and if it falls on a Sunday it will be moved to the following Monday, '1W' means the first week-day of the month, and 'LW' means the last week-day in the month.

Day of Week and Day of Month are mutually exclusive. One must be set to '?' (meaning no value specified), and the other defines the days that this Task Plan runs on.


Month element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 1-12

Month can also be specified as short names e.g. JAN,OCT-DEC

Day of Week

Day of week element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 1-7. The week starts on Sunday. So Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, etc.

Day of Week can also be specified as short names e.g. MON,WED-FRI

A day of week name or number followed by an 'L' means the last day of week in the month e.g. 'FRIL' means the last Friday, '2L' means the last Monday.

A day of week name or number followed by a hash ('#') and a number means the Nth day of week in the month e.g. '2#2' means the 2nd Monday in the month, 'FRI#5' means the 5th Friday in the month - if there is no 5th Friday in the month, that is equivalent to specifying no day of week.

If the '#' character is used, there can only be one expression in the day-of-week field, so "3#1,6#3" is not valid, since there are two expressions.

Day of Week and Day of Month are mutually exclusive. One must be set to '?' (meaning no value specified), and the other defines the days that this Task Plan runs on

YearYear element of the scheduled date/time, e.g. 1970-2099.

Each of these elements can be specified with an explicit value (e.g 6), a range (e.g 9-12), a repeating group (e.g. 5/10 - equivalent to 5,15,25,35,...), or a list of single values, ranges, etc. e.g. 1,3-5,10,20/5.

Each of these elements other than Seconds can be set to a wild card ('*'), meaning all values.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons

List: Tasks


The Task list shows a summary of each Task set up in the Task Plan.

List Icons

The Task list provides some of the standard list icons. The Task list also provides the icon:

Add a new Task to the Task Plan. This brings up a menu, and the user chooses which type of Task to add:


Form: Send Result By Email

On this tab you can set up an automated email to be sent with the results of a Task Plan run.

Email FromThe Email Address the generated email will appear from.
Subject ExpressionAllows the user to build a PhixFlow Expression which will be used to create the Email Subject. The internal variables _errors, _warnings, _messages and _taskPlan can be used in the Subject Expression.
Message ExpressionAllows the user to build a PhixFlow Expression which will be used to create the message body of the email. The internal variables _errors, _warnings, _messages and _taskPlan can be used in the Message Expression.

List: Email Recipients


The Recipients list shows a summary of each Recipient set up to receive the email. Selecting a recipient with a double click will bring up the details for that recipient in a User Notification Rule form.

NameThe name of the recipient. This must be a user that has been set up in PhixFlow.
ExpressionUser Notification Rule - the rule that governs whether the email will be sent to this user. See Notification Rule for further details.

List Icons

The Recipient list provides some of the standard list icons. The Recipient list also provides the icons:

Bring up the list of users configured in PhixFlow. A user can be selected from this list and dragged into the list of email recipients.

Add a new Recipient to the recipient list. This will bring up an empty User Notification Rule form.

See Also

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