PhixFlow Help

Creating and configuring Stream Views

By the end of this exercise you will be able to:

  • Understand the components of a Stream View
  • Create a grid view

Finding Streams and Stream Data

  • Open the list of models
  • Find and open the model Dashboards and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and dashboards
  • In the model view place your pointer over the stream Overall Debt Levels
  • A hover menu will appear – press  - Show the list of Stream Views and select Default View

The data contained in the Stream will appear.

Create New Stream View

You will create a new grid view to show the data in the Stream in a table format.
To do this you must create a Stream View:

  • Double-click on Overall Debt Levels to open the Stream configuration form
  • Go to the Views tab
  • To add a new view, click  - Add a new item - this opens a list of chart types that you can choose from – select Grid
  • Configure the following details for the new view:
    • Name: Overall Debt Levels
    • Select all three attributes in the Stream Attributes list on the left-hand side
      • Drag them across to the Stream View Attributes list on the right-hand side
    • Before continuing, try some of the other options for adding and removing stream view attributes:
      • Remove all attributes: drag them from the Stream View Attributes list back into the Stream Attributes list
      • Drag CalculationDate into the Stream View Attributes list
      • Press - Add any missing Stream Attributes to the end of the View
      • The remaining stream attributes will be added to the view

This button is useful when you have added attributes to the underlying stream and want to update a view to include all new attributes

  • Press  to save your changes and close the stream view configuration form

You will now see your new view in the list of views for the Stream.

  • Double-click on this to open the view

You will see the data in the Stream displayed in a table format – in fact, this is the same as the view you opened at the start of the exercise.

  • You can also see your new view in the hover menu view list – find this and open your new view from there (only a single click is needed to open a view from this menu)

Editing a Stream View

  • Open the list of views from the hover menu
  • Right-click on your new view and select Edit
  • You will change the order of the columns in the grid:
  • In the list of attributes under Stream View Attributes, select PaymentMeans and drag it to the bottom of the list
  • Press 
  • Open the view

You will see the data in the Stream, but with the columns re-ordered.

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