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Filtering Stream Output

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Filter data written to Streams using Output Filters

In this exercise you will add an Output Filter to the Stream you created in the previous exercise, to keep only records which show an error in the reconciliation between the inventory database and the channel list in your model:

  • Open the configuration form for the Stream Channel List Reconciliation 2
  • Go to the Advanced tab
  • In the Output Filter enter the value:

_out.SalesCheck == "NO" || _out.InvCheck == "NO"
(In the expression above, the operator || means "or" – so the whole expression is true if either the value in SalesCheck or InvCheck is NO)

  • Save your changes to the stream
  • Run analysis on Channel List Reconciliation 2
  • Check that the Stream now only contains records that could not be reconciled between the two sources

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