Attribute scripting
PhixFlow Help
Attribute scripting
By the end of this chapter you will be able to:
- Use the switch() function
- Use the forEach() function
Using switch() to apply multiple tests
- Create a new model: Attribute Scripting
- Drag the datasource CRM onto this model
- From the datasource open the schema browser, find the table SOURCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_TRANS and create a database collector from it
- Create a stream from this database collector – remember to use the button in the hover menu so that the stream attributes are automatically configured
- Open the help for the switch() function:
- Press the button in the left-hand menu bar of PhixFlow – a list of all attribute functions available in PhixFlow will appear
- Double-click on the entry for switch to bring up the help page
- Add an attribute to this stream to hold a description of the transaction type:
- Name: TransactionTypeDesc
Expression: work out the transaction type description from TRANSACTION_TYPE, using a switch() statement, according to the rules below – use the examples in the help for switch() to get started
"Direct Debit"
"Standing Order"
Any other value
- Run the stream and check that your translation of transaction type to transaction type description is correct
Using forEach() to handle lists
- Create an aggregate stream, with name Bank Account Summary
- Add a pipe from the stream you created in the previous exercise (this is probably called SOURCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_TRANS) to Bank Account Summary
- Add to the pipe the grouping:
- Drag the attribute ACCOUNT_NUM into Bank Account Summary from either the pipe or the input stream
- Add an attribute:
- Name: TotalPosTrans
- Type: Float
- Expression: using a forEach loop, add up the total of all positive transcations, and store it in this attribute
- Run Bank Account Summary to test this new attribute
- When this is working, update TotalPosTrans to also calculate the total of negative transcations, and the total of all transcations – and hold them in local variables ($variables)
- Add two further attributes – TotalNegTrans and TotalTrans - that allow you to store the values of all negative and all transcations that you calculated in TotalPosTrans
- Run Bank Account Summary again to test the new attributes
, multiple selections available,
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