3. Updating confirmation messages, adding custom actions

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3. Updating confirmation messages, adding custom actions

In this chapter we will look at updating the confirmation messages that appear when a button is pressed. To do this, we first need to add a custom action to the button. Adding a custom action is an important step, and allows you to do a wide variety of things with the button, but we will illustrate this with the simple example of altering the confirmation message.

By default, an Insert or Update type button will not have a confirmation message at all, but you can add one - and customise the message - by adding a custom action.

By default, a Delete type button will have the standard confirmation message - you can remove this, or customise it, by adding a custom action.

Update the confirmation message on the Delete button in your app. To recap the steps in the video:

  • From the edit form, open the stream configuration
  • Go to the Actions section
  • Press
  • In the action configuration form, enter the following settings:
    • Name: Delete Contact Custom Action
    • Display Name: Delete Contact
  • Save your changes
  • Drag the action from the stream configuration onto the button Delete in your edit form

Confirm the button configuration: you don't need to do this to complete the set up of your custom action, but it is useful to see the configuration:

  • Click on the button Delete on the edit form
  • You will now see the action set to Delete Contact Custom Action
  • Click on the quick link Action - this takes you straight through to the details of the action

Go into App Mode to see the effect of this change. The default configuration for a new action for confirmation messages is to have no confirmation at all - you should see this if you delete a record.

Go back into Design Mode. The configuration form for the action should still be open:

  • Go to the section Confirmation Messages
    • Tick Ask For Confirmation
    • Enter the Confirmation Message: Are you sure you want to delete this contact?
  • Save your changes to the action

Go back into App Mode, delete a record - you should now see your user-friendly confirmation message.

Next chapter: 4. Adding fields to apps

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